Pulseaudio Comanded To, "Silence"

Scott Kitterman ubuntu at kitterman.com
Sun May 22 04:39:29 UTC 2011

On Sunday, May 22, 2011 12:12:10 AM Richard S. Crawford wrote:
> On Sat, May 21, 2011 at 7:01 PM, Bill vance <faptagon at gmail.com> wrote:
> > Howdy folks;
> > 
> > Since I re-did my Lucid system a couple weeks ago, I've been having a
> > real nightmare getting Pulseaudio working again.  Nothing I've gotten
> > from the archives has worked, including pavucontrol, which fixed it last
> > time. Pavucontrol
> > did inadvertantly give me a clue though.  In the input and output
> > device windows,
> > the volume slider bars are lacking a slider, and on the left, just
> > below each empty
> > slider bar, is the word, "silence".  I have been unable to find this
> > documented,
> > anywhere, in, "man pavucontrol", nor have I found it documented anywhere
> > else.
> > 
> > Help!!!
> To get the best performance out of your sound system, try this:
> sudo apt-get remove pulseaudio
> Works for me every time. ;-)
> (Seriously, I don't have an answer for you. PA gives me nothing but grief,
> and I always remove it the instant it shows up in my system.)

This is fine advice for Lucid since Kubuntu didn't ship pulseaudio.  In 
Maverick we started doing this since it started getting some upstream support 
in KDE (Kmix) and it, in my experience, works very well in Natty for at least 
my uses.  In these later releases we should really focus on identifying and 
fixing the problems that prevent pulseaudio from working for some users.

Scott K

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