October 2008 Archives by author
Starting: Wed Oct 1 04:56:52 BST 2008
Ending: Thu Oct 30 23:25:04 GMT 2008
Messages: 233
- Studio install woes...
Active Accounts
- Windows network gone - I can no longer see it.
Active Accounts
- Windows network gone - I can no longer see it.
Active Accounts
- Linux Day - UbuntuStudio showcase
Sergio Bello
- Premiere Pro
Sergio Bello
- Premiere Pro
Sergio Bello
- Idiom acrostics
Pietro Bergamo
- Idiom acrostics
Pietro Bergamo
- Idiom acrostics
Pietro Bergamo
- Ubuntu Studio 8.10 without rt-patch...
Luis de Bethencourt
- Xinerama Nvidia & RT
aYo Binitie
- Windows network gone - I can no longer see it.
aYo Binitie
- Windows network gone - I can no longer see it.
aYo Binitie
- Windows network gone - I can no longer see it.
aYo Binitie
- Windows network gone - I can no longer see it.
aYo Binitie
- Windows network gone - I can no longer see it.
aYo Binitie
- Windows network gone - I can no longer see it.
aYo Binitie
- Windows network gone - I can no longer see it.
aYo Binitie
- Windows network gone - I can no longer see it.
aYo Binitie
- Windows network gone - I can no longer see it.
aYo Binitie
- Windows network gone - I can no longer see it.
aYo Binitie
- Windows network gone - I can no longer see it.
aYo Binitie
- Windows network gone - I can no longer see it.
aYo Binitie
- Windows network gone - I can no longer see it.
aYo Binitie
- Windows network gone - I can no longer see it.
aYo Binitie
- Windows network gone - I can no longer see it.
aYo Binitie
- Windows network gone - I can no longer see it.
aYo Binitie
- Windows network gone - I can no longer see it.
aYo Binitie
- System sounds gone
aYo Binitie
- Windows network gone - I can no longer see it.
aYo Binitie
- System sounds gone
aYo Binitie
- Please please solve the system-sound no play - pulse audio troubles in Intrepid-Studio and other niggles
aYo Binitie
- Installing Ubuntu-Studio Grunger
aYo Binitie
- Dell XPS420 - STAC9227 Line-In Jack
Gregory Boehnlein
- Dell XPS420 - STAC9227 Line-In Jack
Gregory Boehnlein
- Dell XPS420 - STAC9227 Line-In Jack
Gregory Boehnlein
- Dell XPS420 - STAC9227 Line-In Jack
Gregory Boehnlein
- help with Side Chain Compression
Kim Burgess
- Problems with "sudo apt-get update"
Daniel Caleb
- Windows network gone - I can no longer see it.
Daniel Caleb
- Premiere Pro
Rafael Chacon
- Xinerama Nvidia & RT
John Cohen
- Xinerama Nvidia & RT
John Cohen
- Xinerama Nvidia & RT
John Cohen
- Mackie 802-VLZ3 + Studio Monitors
John Cohen
- ubuntu studio on acer aspire one 501....can it be done????
Susan Cragin
- Building a Computer
Dean Crocker
- Building a Computer
Sean Darby
- Building a Computer
Sean Darby
- Building a Computer
Sean Darby
- Update on Building My First Computer
Sean Darby
- Selecting Hardware for Music Production
Sean Darby
- Selecting Hardware for Music Production
Sean Darby
- Selecting Hardware for Music Production
Sean Darby
- Selecting Hardware for Music Production
Sean Darby
- Selecting Hardware for Music Production
Sean Darby
- Selecting Hardware for Music Production
Sean Darby
- Selecting Hardware for Music Production
Sean Darby
- Selecting Hardware for Music Production
Sean Darby
- Selecting Hardware for Music Production
Sean Darby
- Mackie 802-VLZ3 and comparing 3 mics.
Sean Darby
- Mackie 802-VLZ3 and comparing 3 mics.
Sean Darby
- Selecting Hardware for Music Production
Sean Darby
- Mackie 802-VLZ3 and comparing 3 mics.
Sean Darby
- Ubuntu-Studio-users Digest, Vol 18, Issue 42
Sean Darby
- Selecting Hardware for Music Production
Sean Darby
- Mackie 802-VLZ3 + Studio Monitors
Sean Darby
- realtime?
Steven Davies-Morris
- realtime?
Steven Davies-Morris
- realtime?
Steven Davies-Morris
- realtime? (Intrepid release dates)
Steven Davies-Morris
- realtime?
Steven Davies-Morris
- Open Source Musicians Podcast Episode #4
Steven Davies-Morris
- Building a Computer
Steven Davies-Morris
- Windows network gone - I can no longer see it.
Steven Davies-Morris
- Windows network gone - I can no longer see it.
Steven Davies-Morris
- [Intrepid] running video apps pounds my internet to bits
Steven Davies-Morris
- Windows network gone - I can no longer see it.
Steven Davies-Morris
- Windows network gone - I can no longer see it.
Steven Davies-Morris
- nted
Steven Davies-Morris
- Please please solve the system-sound no play - pulse audio troubles in Intrepid-Studio and other niggles
Steven Davies-Morris
- Schizoid Rosegarden
Paul DeShaw
- Building a Computer
Haig Dedeyan
- Building a Computer
Haig Dedeyan
- Idiom acrostics
Sean Edwards
- Idiom acrostics
Sean Edwards
- Idiom acrostics
Sean Edwards
- Selecting Hardware for Music Production
Sean Edwards
- Selecting Hardware for Music Production
Sean Edwards
- Selecting Hardware for Music Production
Sean Edwards
- Selecting Hardware for Music Production
Sean Edwards
- Selecting Hardware for Music Production
Sean Edwards
- Dell XPS420 - STAC9227 Line-In Jack
Rafael Etc.
- Dell XPS420 - STAC9227 Line-In Jack
Rafael Etc.
- intrepid artwork
Percy Foreman
- intrepid artwork
Percy Foreman
- Problems with "sudo apt-get update"
Javier Garcia
- Problems with "sudo apt-get update"
Javier Garcia
- bugreport_by_newbie
Jens Hochapfel
- Idiom acrostics
David Hughes
- Problems with "sudo apt-get update"
Andrew Hunter
- Problems with "sudo apt-get update"
Andrew Hunter
- realtime?
Gustin Johnson
- realtime?
Gustin Johnson
- Ardour on Intrepid [was: Re: realtime?]
Gustin Johnson
- Idiom acrostics
Gustin Johnson
- Xinerama Nvidia & RT
Gustin Johnson
- Xinerama Nvidia & RT
Gustin Johnson
- Xinerama Nvidia & RT
Gustin Johnson
- Building a Computer
Gustin Johnson
- Building a Computer
Gustin Johnson
- Ubuntu-Studio-users Digest, Vol 18, Issue 22
Gustin Johnson
- Ubuntu-Studio-users Digest, Vol 18, Issue 22
Gustin Johnson
- Windows network gone - I can no longer see it.
Gustin Johnson
- Building a Computer
Gustin Johnson
- Windows network gone - I can no longer see it.
Gustin Johnson
- Windows network gone - I can no longer see it.
Gustin Johnson
- Update on Building My First Computer
Gustin Johnson
- Ubuntu-Studio-users Digest, Vol 18, Issue 30
Gustin Johnson
- ubuntu studio on acer aspire one 501....can it be done????
Gustin Johnson
- xubuntu on acer aspire one
Gustin Johnson
- Premiere Pro
Gustin Johnson
- Selecting Hardware for Music Production
Gustin Johnson
- Dell XPS420 - STAC9227 Line-In Jack
Gustin Johnson
- Ardour on Intrepid [was: Re: realtime?]
Janne Jokitalo
- Ardour on Intrepid [was: Re: realtime?]
Janne Jokitalo
- Studio rt kernel install woes
Janne Jokitalo
- Ubuntu-Studio-users Digest, Vol 18, Issue 42
Janne Jokitalo
- 2.6.27-rt for intrepid
Fabien Juchniewicz
- realtime?
Cory K.
- release dates
Cory K.
- Idiom acrostics
Cory K.
- intrepid artwork
Cory K.
- intrepid artwork
Cory K.
- Studio rt kernel install woes
Cory K.
- System sounds gone
Sasha Khamkov
- Ubuntu-Studio-users Digest, Vol 18, Issue 30
- 2.6.27-rt for intrepid
Khashayar Naderehvandi
- Mackie 802-VLZ3 and comparing 3 mics.
Hartmut Noack
- Selecting Hardware for Music Production
Karlheinz Noise
- Selecting Hardware for Music Production
Matthew Polashek
- Selecting Hardware for Music Production
Matthew Polashek
- Selecting Hardware for Music Production
Matthew Polashek
- Ubuntu-Studio-users Digest, Vol 18, Issue 42
Matthew Polashek
- Selecting Hardware for Music Production
Matthew Polashek
- Selecting Hardware for Music Production
Matthew Polashek
- Selecting Hardware for Music Production
Matthew Polashek
- Selecting Hardware for Music Production
Matthew Polashek
- Mackie 802-VLZ3 and comparing 3 mics.
Matthew Polashek
- Ubuntu-Studio-users Digest, Vol 18, Issue 42
Matthew Polashek
- Selecting Hardware for Music Production
Matthew Polashek
- Selecting Hardware for Music Production
Joan Quintana
- Premiere Pro
Litus Mayol i Ricart
- Premiere Pro
Litus Mayol i Ricart
- Premiere Pro
Litus Mayol i Ricart
- forum to meet other linux musicians
Grammostola Rosea
- linuxmusicians.com: forum to meet other linux musicians
Grammostola Rosea
- nted
Grammostola Rosea
- Xinerama Nvidia & RT
Karoliina Salminen
- Xinerama Nvidia & RT
Karoliina Salminen
- Xinerama Nvidia & RT
Karoliina Salminen
- Xinerama Nvidia & RT
Karoliina Salminen
- intrepid artwork
Karoliina Salminen
- Xinerama Nvidia & RT
Karoliina Salminen
- Building a Computer
Karoliina Salminen
- Building a Computer
Karoliina Salminen
- hello ubuntu studio users out there
Jason Schaefer
- Studio install woes...
Jussi Schultink
- Building a Computer
Jussi Schultink
- Idiom acrostics
Christopher Stamper
- realtime?
Christopher Stamper
- release dates
Christopher Stamper
- release dates
Christopher Stamper
- release dates
Christopher Stamper
- intrepid artwork
Christopher Stamper
- Windows network gone - I can no longer see it.
Christopher Stamper
- Windows network gone - I can no longer see it.
Christopher Stamper
- Windows network gone - I can no longer see it.
Christopher Stamper
- Windows network gone - I can no longer see it.
Christopher Stamper
- Windows network gone - I can no longer see it.
Christopher Stamper
- Windows network gone - I can no longer see it.
Christopher Stamper
- Dell XPS420 - STAC9227 Line-In Jack
Christopher Stamper
- Dell XPS420 - STAC9227 Line-In Jack
Christopher Stamper
- Dell XPS420 - STAC9227 Line-In Jack
Christopher Stamper
- I'm gonna be a Dad!
David Stephens
- Building a Computer
Davide Tullio
- Building a Computer
Davide Tullio
- Res: intrepid artwork
João Del Valle
- ubuntu studio on acer aspire one 501....can it be done????
Alfons Verreijt
- xubuntu on acer aspire one
Alfons Verreijt
- Ubuntu-Studio-users Digest, Vol 18, Issue 36
Alfons Verreijt
- Open Source Musicians Podcast Episode #4
Daniel Worth
- release dates
Luke Yelavich
- audio hardware selection?
suemac at empire.net
- Studio install woes...
suemac at empire.net
- Ubuntu-Studio-users Digest, Vol 18, Issue 22
suemac at empire.net
- Studio rt kernel install woes
suemac at empire.net
- Studio rt kernel install woes
suemac at empire.net
- -rt install woes redux
suemac at empire.net
- -rt install woes redux
suemac at empire.net
- -rt install woes redux
suemac at empire.net
- Ubuntu-Studio-users Digest, Vol 18, Issue 42
suemac at empire.net
- Ubuntu-Studio-users Digest, Vol 18, Issue 42
suemac at empire.net
- Ubuntu-Studio-users Digest, Vol 18, Issue 42
suemac at empire.net
- hello ubuntu studio users out there
adam faranda
- ardour 2.5 for ubuntu hardy avaible in deb
adam faranda
- help with Side Chain Compression
adam faranda
- help with Side Chain Compression
adam faranda
- forum to meet other linux musicians
adam faranda
- Idiom acrostics
hollunder at gmx.at
- ardour 2.5 for ubuntu hardy avaible in deb
hollunder at gmx.at
- Studio install woes...
hollunder at gmx.at
- Selecting Hardware for Music Production
hollunder at gmx.at
- realtime?
mentoj_dija at gmx.de
- realtime?
mentoj_dija at gmx.de
- Idiom acrostics
mentoj_dija at gmx.de
- ardour 2.5 for ubuntu hardy avaible in deb
mentoj_dija at gmx.de
- Please please solve the system-sound no play - pulse audio troubles in Intrepid-Studio and other niggles
mentoj_dija at gmx.de
- Ubuntu Studio 8.10 without rt-patch...
mentoj_dija at gmx.de
- ardour 2.5 for ubuntu hardy avaible in deb
- Xinerama Nvidia & RT
- Xinerama Nvidia & RT
- Res: intrepid artwork
- realtime?
- Idiom acrostics
- realtime?
- realtime?
- Install hangs on wvdial
- Xinerama Nvidia & RT
- Premiere Pro
- System sounds gone
- Premiere Pro
- intrepid artwork
revapran at vfemail.net
Last message date:
Thu Oct 30 23:25:04 GMT 2008
Archived on: Thu Oct 30 23:25:07 GMT 2008
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Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).