Building a Computer

Steven Davies-Morris sdavmor at
Mon Oct 13 21:39:58 BST 2008

Gustin Johnson wrote:
> Dean Crocker wrote:
>>> Is someone still using displays without HDMI these days? If I
>>> go to a shop and look around TV-models, I can hardly find any
>>> model which would not have HDMI. So at least in my vocabuary at
>>>  least, TV output = DVI = HDMI.
>> On what world do you live? I would suggest to look at what people
>>  actually own and still use, not what we will someday buy when
>> out current set-up breaks down.
> Most of the people I know now own some sort of HD TV, usually it is
> an LCD with VGA/DVI/HDMI connector. This is all you can buy these
> days. -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG v1.4.6
> (GNU/Linux) Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -
> iD8DBQFI8649wRXgH3rKGfMRArDhAJ4xAKddiMQfIUoB/Cu+8h2wzKeTiwCfT6cG 
> x0yjeh8gQ0pPZin2WDPGRlE= =cVzu -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----

When my current TVs die (three of them) I'll begin the process of
replacing them with HDTV, but I don't see it being anytime soon.

I plan on trying to build a MythBuntu box for the main family room
soon. If I were forced to replace a working TV earlier than planned,
in order to make a Media Center work properly, that would be it.
Cheers, SDM -- a 21st Century Schizoid Man
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