Studio install woes...

suemac at suemac at
Mon Oct 13 12:20:02 BST 2008

Ok, so I get my new Dell laptop with Ubuntu.

Says I: "I'm going to do audio recording so I need the rt kernel...".

So along with the recommended studio apps like Ardour, jack, etc. I install
it all.

Reboot the machine to the rt kernel...and it's lost it's brains!

The video now only knows 800x600, the network is is gone.

So I boot back to generic and all is well, high res video, network, etc.

So I figure I can experiment with my Tascam US122 in generic until figure
out the rt kernel issues.

Well I do all the "how to'" I've found and still no green light on the

ldusb says it's there but...

Anybody got any ideas where to start on either issue?


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