Xinerama Nvidia & RT

Karoliina Salminen karoliina.t.salminen at
Fri Oct 10 10:23:58 BST 2008

On Thu, Oct 9, 2008 at 10:23 AM, aYo Binitie <ayobinitie at> wrote:
> Thanks, I'd nigh but given up on ever being able to use 2 monitors. I almost
> cannot wait to go to work and try this out now.

Have you tried the nVidia installer from the nVidia site? Would it work better?
On certain versions of Ubuntu, the only way to make my laptop display
a picture in graphics mode has been to use the nVidia installer from
the nVidia site and then uninstalling everything Ubuntu provides by
default for the nVidia.
I have a working multiple monitor setup with the driver that comes
with the Ubuntu (laptop screen + 30 inch 2560x1600 display), but
haven't tried the studio kernel on this one. However, to make the VGA
output (the analog one) to display proper resolutions (other than
640x480), with the nvidia-settings application, I have found that need
to use the nVidia driver from the nVidia site because the Ubuntu
supplied one is broken on that sense (and it is by the way very hard
to remove the Ubuntu supplied nVidia stuff (I used to have a blog
entry about that on my previous blog, but with the Hardy it no longer
works as the Ubuntu overrides the kernel module compiled by the nVidia
installer even if I have uninstalled all nvidia-related stuff from the
Ubuntu prior running the nVidia installer)).

Best Regards,

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