Windows network gone - I can no longer see it.
Steven Davies-Morris
sdavmor at
Tue Oct 14 16:56:51 BST 2008
aYo Binitie wrote:
> On Tue, Oct 14, 2008 at 4:22 PM, Steven Davies-Morris
> <sdavmor at <mailto:sdavmor at>>
>> What revision of Ubuntu Studio are you running? I ask because
>> I've recently upgraded to Intrepid 8.10 to test things out, and
>> all kinds of things like audio, networking, video blow up /
>> disappear / reappear / reconfigure themselves
>> list just the tip of the iceberg things that are working in less
>> than stellar fashion. So if you're not on the official 8.04 Hardy
>> then all bets are off.
>> Also what rev level of vBox are you running? The transition from
>> 1.6 was not smooth, but after some false starts all the
>> immediate gotchas have been nailed and 2.0.2 seems stable. Except
>> that it keeps losing one of my shared folders after a physical
>> reboot, which is a minor annoyance but no show-stopper.
> I'm still using Hardy - I've really had to put myself in a
> straitjacket to prevent myself upgrading but I only will when its
> officially out. That said I'm so in love with the OS
Let me offer some friendly advice from sticking my hand in the fire.
Do NOT under any circumstances upgrade to Intrepid until the Ubuntu
Studio team roll out a production release on Intrepid. it's one thing
to go Beta when your needs are light office/email/internet, etc. It's
another when the apps that are being run are serious audio & video
tools. There are still waaaaay too many things that go south in 8.10
for no apparent reason/get hosed with the latest set of Beta patches.
Like right audio, which was working fine last night when I
watched some India vs Australia cricket highlights is once again not
outputting any sound in any audio or video app. WTF? No doubt I will
have to reconfigure audio once the current overnight upgrades are
installed and I reboot. :-( For the "J" release next April I won't be
in such a damn hurry to exercise my curiosity. I managed to resist
this time until the Alpha 6 at which point I had to dive in. I should
have kept resisting. There's a lot of good sense in "if it ain't broke
don't keep programming / engineering it until it is!". :-)
Cheers, SDM -- a 21st Century Schizoid Man
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