Ubuntu-Studio-users Digest, Vol 18, Issue 42

suemac at empire.net suemac at empire.net
Fri Oct 24 17:44:04 BST 2008

The PC I'm talking about is a Dell XPS with nvidia and intel 3954 wireless.

It came from Dell with Ubuntu 8.0.4. All was fine until I started to add
the UbuntuStudio packages, primarily -rt kernel.

While there is lots of info on the web it is not necessarily current or
comprehensive. Thus one source says you need to install the backpatch to
the rt to get the wireless to work and another says 8.0.4 handles it.

At this point I have kernels in /boot that I certainly don't want, probably
don't need, and have little clue as to what they have munged into them.

At this point I'm thinking of wiping the disk and starting from scratch
with the dvd of UbuntuStudio.


Original Message:
From: Matthew Polashek matt at tinysongs.net
Date: Fri, 24 Oct 2008 12:05:45 -0400
To: suemac at empire.net, ubuntu-studio-users at lists.ubuntu.com
Subject: Re: Ubuntu-Studio-users Digest, Vol 18, Issue 42

Eh, I guess if you have hardware that has lots of tough to install 
drivers. My Dell D510 has been cool after all updates so far.

suemac at empire.net wrote:
> Jaska said: 
>> Just a thought, but if you can, you might give some thought for
> the
>> music production workstation from everyday desktop use. Install, and pull
> the
>> network plug. Keeping it out from network pretty much keeps it from being
>> vulnerable to the cruel surrounding world. No need for updates --> no
> breakage.
>> If you have a spare machine for desktop use, that is.
> Yes, this is a great idea and my plan is to do just that. But, the network
> (wireless is my current sticking point, though previously it was the
> stuff) is handy when
> adding packages initially and when adding things in the
> is so old
> school. ;-)
> Mac
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