Selecting Hardware for Music Production
Sean Darby
sean at
Fri Oct 24 08:09:22 BST 2008
"However, I do not know if this device works with Linux/Alsa."
Do you know which devices (PCI or external) do work with Linux/ALSA, or
Ubuntu Studio in general (64-bit version if Studio has a 64-bit
"In addition to my multiple PCI cards and USB interfaces, I have an
Alesis 1622 mixer, and a TOA 10 channel rack mounted mixer."
What do you use the 2 mixers for? More channels or are they somehow
connected to each other for another (additional) function?
"I can then mix, eq, and record my outboard synths, drum machine, and
bass in one shot with a mixer output going into a Behringer UA202."
What is the UA202? I couldn't find it from a search.
I'm guessing I'll need to do a raw recording of the separate instruments
into one program and do my editing in another program? (I'd like to
learn how to use all the Ubuntu Studio audio programs, I'm still
relatively new to ubustu.)
Do you know of a good Yamaha or Mackie mixer that is around the $100
range or would you advise getting something in a higher price range?
Do you know of any less expensive alternatives to the E-MU 1616M?
Thank you!
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