Selecting Hardware for Music Production

Matthew Polashek matt at
Fri Oct 24 17:08:14 BST 2008

Sean Darby wrote:
> "However, I do not know if this device works with Linux/Alsa."
> Do you know which devices (PCI or external) do work with Linux/ALSA, or
> Ubuntu Studio in general (64-bit version if Studio has a 64-bit
> version)?

There is a list of devices on the alsa website.

> "In addition to my multiple PCI cards and USB interfaces, I have an
> Alesis 1622 mixer, and a TOA 10 channel rack mounted mixer."
> What do you use the 2 mixers for? More channels or are they somehow
> connected to each other for another (additional) function?
> "I can then mix, eq, and record my outboard synths, drum machine, and
> bass in one shot with a mixer output going into a Behringer UA202."
> What is the UA202? I couldn't find it from a search.
> I'm guessing I'll need to do a raw recording of the separate instruments
> into one program and do my editing in another program? (I'd like to
> learn how to use all the Ubuntu Studio audio programs, I'm still
> relatively new to ubustu.)
> Do you know of a good Yamaha or Mackie mixer that is around the $100
I would be very careful about buying inexpensive mixers.  The sacrifice 
is often made in Mic Pres and as my goof friend in NYC told me after 
doing a session for David Sanborn, your recording sounds is all in the pres.
> range or would you advise getting something in a higher price range?

> Do you know of any less expensive alternatives to the E-MU 1616M?
> Thank you!

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