
Jens Hochapfel juanflautista at gmail.com
Mon Oct 6 02:46:14 BST 2008


I've not read my way through all the FAQ's at all the candidate forums for
posting this message, it's here now because I've gained the impression that
if it's in the wrong place here, at least participants of this group will
know the right place better than me.

I'm 3 weeks new to Linux, had Musix, Kwort, and Mandriva installed and
Parsix and Dyne_Bolic running from live CD so far, haven't been working so
close to the machine since the days of Apple II's.

So now I'm running Ubuntu Studio's latest release(must be 8.04) as a second
OS to Windows XP pro on a Box with an American Megatrends Motherbord and
BIOS. (Duron CPU, 512Mb RAM and a meager 10Gb diskspace alotted to
Linux+Swap, if it behaves aaaaall nice, it'll get more later on)

The most serious bug I've noticed so far is that, although reboot works fine
as far as I remember, after lengthy sessions, shutdown leads the computer to
hang with the ubuntu studio boot/shutdown image when the power should be
switched off, the subsequent manual resets seem to cause windows to be more
reluctant to boot properly.

I also agree that there is a problem with legibility of rather dark
characters on dark background, and changing the style in the corresponding
desktop menu doesn't carry over to all applications, but thats's no biggie.

What set me to file a report was the combination of the followling:

Attempting to record an external source via the onbord soundcard using
the *sound
recorder*, I had to settle for the .flac format I didn't now instead of the
more familiar .wav, because the latter choice produced error messages 'error
del flujo interno de datos' (internal data flow error, I assume, I've chosen
spanish at install), then 'subclass did not specify output size' , both upon
pressing the record button.

.flac format worked fine, though, thus next I opened Brasero app to burn the
stuff onto CD. It recognized and opened the .flac track.(Gnome CD Master
didn't) As the track actually contained three separate pieces of music, I
was happy to discover a track seperation feature. Automatic separation by
silence recognition failed, but manual editing worked, or so it seemed: now
I had three flac files. Gave them new names, signed as artist and author,
felt happy and burnt the whole stuff onto CD, and what did I get? A nice
disk with 3 songs on it, which, when playing them, all and each turned out
to be song nr.1. Which, all the newbie I am, leads me to believe that
BRASERO is having trouble when it comes to putting tables of content
together, at least in .flac format. Probably the three songs were there on
the CD, but the directory contained three pointers all pointing to the first
song. My guess.
   So if it's not you beeing in charge of Brasero, at least you've put it
into the package and hopefully now whom to kindly forward this story to.


That's the bug report proper, a comment is that it's at times confusing and
troublesome to have both Pulse Audio and ALSA dealing with audio parallelly
(or serially, or both, I don't even now which), with the mysteries of JACK
added in, but then I've managed to get more things working with Pulse being
around than with an other (Musix) distro that had ALSA only (this may be
subjective,Musix was the first thing I tried, and I've gained orientation as
I went along).


For the future (and this has nothing to do with bugs anymore) I'd like to
have an Idea of the degree of hazzle it means to change the Desktop or
Window manager, I mean , bringing something the like of Beryl or
Compiz-Fusion in, combining Xfce or Kde with the latter; having Konqueror
running as an alternative file manager/browser independant of the
surrounding Desktop; and to get Video chatting or  -VOIP going with a not
too old and not too new Logitech WebCam?
Do these aims mean it's time to learn the fine art of compiling and
recompiling ? I'm still feeling mildly lost in a terminal window, but hey,
I've eventually got one or two things working even there, and having once
been fluent in Pascal, Basic and 6502, I might try to tackle, what? Bash,
gcc and maybe Python, am I right there?

Ok, you maybe haven't as much time as I have today, so I leave it there.
Thanx for the great concerted effort that linux, ubuntu, and ubuntu studio
mean.            Jens Hochapfel
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