Ubuntu-Studio-users Digest, Vol 18, Issue 42

suemac at empire.net suemac at empire.net
Fri Oct 24 13:23:27 BST 2008

Jaska said: 

>Just a thought, but if you can, you might give some thought for separating
>music production workstation from everyday desktop use. Install, and pull
>network plug. Keeping it out from network pretty much keeps it from being
>vulnerable to the cruel surrounding world. No need for updates --> no

>If you have a spare machine for desktop use, that is.

Yes, this is a great idea and my plan is to do just that. But, the network
(wireless is my current sticking point, though previously it was the nvidia
stuff) is handy when
adding packages initially and when adding things in the future...sneakernet
is so old
school. ;-)


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