Building a Computer

Gustin Johnson gustin at
Thu Oct 16 00:13:26 BST 2008

Hash: SHA1

Sean Darby wrote:
> Hi Davide,
> Thank you for the suggestions.
> I've recently noticed more people recommending ATI and Intel -
> specifically of the *nix community - where originally I was hearing more
> of a mix of Intel and AMD and mostly NVIDIA... It looks like it's all
> pretty close in price (an AMD and Intel (both quads) of similar specs
> are only about $5 apart).
> I'm guessing either Intel or AMD motherboards will work fine with Linux
> and Unix.
I have had nothing but problems with AM2 motherboards (4 different
chipsets), so I would recommend against AMD right now.  The out of the
box experience has been the most positive with Intel hardware (this is
also true of wireless adaptors).  Essentially I am back in the Intel
camp solely based on my experiences with Intel hardware under Linux.

> However, I am concerned about which GPU will work better.
Intel stuff works out of the box.  ATI has open source drivers now which
should be packaged with Intrepid.  If buying today, I would stick with
Intel, but ATI should be a good buy in the near future.

I believe that the new ATI drivers are in Intrepid, but from a Ubuntu
Studio perspective I would stick with 8.04 for now.

> Thanks again for the input.

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