Building a Computer

Haig Dedeyan hdedeyan at
Tue Oct 14 02:54:06 BST 2008

Karoliina Salminen wrote:
>> For TV/Movies, you cannot beat the tv output quality from a matrox card,
>> although their output support is s-video/composite.
> I would like to have this clarified: You mean obviously with TV-output
> here analog tube-TV?
> Rather than today's flat panels which have HDMI and which get 100% perfect
> output from nVidia?

Yes I am referring to analog. As far as HDMI goes, HDMI 1.2 compared to 
component is no good. Do an a/b comaprison and you will see.

HDMI1.3 vs component is almost equal.


> We have nVidia in our home theater PC (which is running Ubuntu) and it
> is connected with HDMI to the HD-video projector.
> Another video source is Playstation 3, which surprise surprise,
> outputs its picture digitally through HDMI.
> The picture is perfect obviously because it is digital and every pixel
> gets displayed as it should (from both the computer and PS3).
> Is someone still using displays without HDMI these days? If I go to a
> shop and look around TV-models, I can hardly find
> any model which would not have HDMI. So at least in my vocabuary at
> least, TV output = DVI = HDMI. And Matrox has
> no use for this purpose. Who wants to use component video these days.
> It hurts my eyes if I look picture from my
> old DVD-player with component video.
> Best Regards,
> Karoliina

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