Windows network gone - I can no longer see it.

aYo Binitie ayobinitie at
Sat Oct 18 20:40:16 BST 2008

Mucho Gracias. I really appreciate the help.

On Sat, Oct 18, 2008 at 8:36 PM, Steven Davies-Morris <
sdavmor at> wrote:

> Gustin Johnson wrote:
> >
> > aYo Binitie wrote:
> >> I'm trying to access Windows shares, on a windows workgroup.
> >> That's all :(
> >>
> > Forget the GUI tool for now (we are troubleshooting now)
> >
> > - From the command line:
> >
> > smbclient -L //computername -U username
> >
> > The computer name is the name of the computer you are connecting
> > to. The username is one that exists on the target machine.
> >
> > If you get an error like this: failed (Error
> >
> > then that means that name resolution is broken.  There are two
> > solutions (technically 3):
> >
> > 1) create entries in /etc/hosts that map names to ip addresses 1B)
> > Set up a DNS server to do name lookups.  This is what I do but some
> >  people find this scary and it is an overkill solution. 2) connect
> > with IP addresses
> >
> > So, instead of a name, use the IP address smbclient -L
> > // -U username
> >
> > Also, in my house I map all the network drives.  So on windows
> > machines all network shares get drive letters, under linux they get
> > mount points (as defined in /etc/fstab or whatever GUI front end
> > you use).  Relying on the workgroup browser is a bad idea, even in
> > a purely windows network.  I have had a home network long before I
> > got into Linux in the '90s so this approach is born of years of
> > hard earned experience.
> Wow! Gustin, you beat me quite convincingly to the punch. I got in
> very late last night and saw this but was too tired to reply. That's
> a very concise explanation of what the OP needs to do.
> I have all the local IPs defined in the /etc/hosts on each *nix box,
> along with the name of the machine. That way I can access by either
> IP addy or name.
> Here's my local /etc/hosts:
> sdavmor at spock:~$ cat /etc/hosts
> localhost
> spock
> ##
> ## Other static IP computers on this network
> ##spare
> ##spare
> UBtestbed #Ubuntu development
> RHtestbed #Red Hat development
> jedi #Trevor WinXP
> naruto #Ian WinXP
> hitchcock #Media center Ubuntu Hardy
> abbeyroad #DAW WinXP/Ubuntu Hardy
> ##spare
> spock #SDM Ubuntu Intrepid
> parrothead #Sandy WinXP
> dmz #FTP & printer server Win2K
> ##
> ## addresses are reserved for DHCP assigned
> ## by the D-Link DIR-615 wireless router.
> ##
> ## The following lines are desirable for IPv6 capable hosts
> ::1 ip6-localhost ip6-loopback
> fe00::0 ip6-localnet
> ff00::0 ip6-mcastprefix
> ff02::1 ip6-allnodes
> ff02::2 ip6-allrouters
> ff02::3 ip6-allhosts
> I am currently having a problem reaching "naruto" and "jedi" from the
> systems that are *nix based. But not from the other Windows boxes. The
> two PCs in question are my sons' Windows XP systems which have been
> recently upgraded with Trendnet Wireless "N" cards, and just upgraded
> with WinXP service pack 3. I can't ping them by name or IP address,
> and get the NT_STATUS_BAD_NETWORK_NAME error when doing a smbclient -L
> //machinename -U username at either target. That will be a project
> for Sunday morning, while the dog, the NFL and I have the place to
> ourselves.
> --
> Cheers, SDM -- a 21st Century Schizoid Man
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> NP: tunes for the upcoming 2nd Cyndee Lee Rule (ViolinCyndee) CD
> --
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