Premiere Pro

Sergio Bello s.bello at
Tue Oct 21 16:37:27 BST 2008

On Tue, 2008-10-21 at 16:12 +0200, Litus Mayol i Ricart wrote:
> 2008/10/21 Rafael Chacon <rafa62 at>
>         Litus Mayol i Ricart wrote:
>         Two programs instead of one?
>         Isn't there any all-in-one film editing program?
>         ----------
>         On Mon, 2008-10-20 at 16:27 -0600, Gustin Johnson wrote:
>         Stop thinking like a Windows or Mac user.  Here we use the
>         right tool
>         for the right job.  Generally in the FLOSS world, you will
>         find less of
>         the all in one programs, but you will find more specialized
>         tools that
>         excel at their task.
>         At the end of the day does it really matter?  I know that I
>         care about
>         getting the job done.
>         ----------
>         From: Sergio Bello <s.bello at>
>         To: Ubuntu Studio Users Help and Discussion
>         <ubuntu-studio-users at>
>         Sent: Monday, October 20, 2008 4:58:41 PM
>         Subject: Re: Premiere Pro
>         Closed source applications have the tendency to close the door
>         to other
>         products so that users aren't free to choose the best tool
>         from other
>         vendors for the job.
>         Linux developers, on the other hand, favor interoperability at
>         a high
>         degree. The audio routing system is a major example: you can
>         chain audio
>         application so that a signal can flow from an an app to the
>         other
>         freely, with enormous flexibility.
>         The same applies to video, text, command outputs and so on.
>         You can pipe
>         data at your wish, filter it, elaborate it through the best
>         tools
>         around.
>         Having to use more than an application is not a weakness: it's
>         added
>         value.
>         Sergio
>         ----------
>         For some users: "Simplicity is the name of the game". I mean:
>         "I do not want to be a programmer or  a software expert to
>         take advantage of a computer. In those terms, I prefer a
>         "wizard" that helps me to a quick start in a home video
>         production instead to study days or months to become an expert
>         in a specialized tool and... continue to study to become an an
>         expert in an other specialized tool and so on.. to get the job
>         done."
>         I do not deny --if video is my hobby-- I will take that path
>         (and very interested in learning in all related tools --that
>         is the reason I am here--) and I agree with Gustin and Sergio.
>         But, if you are a beginner or you have little time to get the
>         job done, a "good-enough-tool" that does all-in-one probably
>         is the best solution. I did this comment because for a
>         beginner in Linux (like me) it is very hard the first steps
>         when you come from a "few-clicks-world" to get the job done.
>         __________________________________________________
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> I'm a total newbie just now. But I'm not learning to use it as a
> hobby, it's my futur. So probably I'll choose the difficult way.
> Diferent programs, more exact tools. 
> That's the way it works...!
> Thanks anyway to everybody!

So, good luck, and have a nice time with linux!

> -- 
> Carles Mayol i Ricart
> Rocker, socialdemocrata, independentista, culé, republicà, ubuntaire i
> catòlic 
> ~-AMANI→[ser la 6a part d'alguna cosa]
Sergio Bello - Software Architect

Sintechno S.r.l. []

Via Dante, 188
26100 - Cremona (ITALY)

Phone 0372 22942
Fax 0372 565287
Mobile 329 9499343
EMail s.bello at
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