January 2010 Archives by author
Starting: Thu Jan 7 14:10:38 GMT 2010
Ending: Sun Jan 31 21:59:22 GMT 2010
Messages: 342
- [ubuntu-za] Update Manager bug?
David Robert Lewis (ethnopunk)
- [ubuntu-za] Update Manager bug?
David Robert Lewis (ethnopunk)
- [ubuntu-za] Sound & OpenOffice questions
David Robert Lewis (ethnopunk)
- [ubuntu-za] How to help
David Robert Lewis (ethnopunk)
- [ubuntu-za] Ubuntu and Mozilla, the inevitable alliance
David Robert Lewis (ethnopunk)
- [ubuntu-za] Ubuntu and Mozilla, the inevitable alliance
David Robert Lewis (ethnopunk)
- [ubuntu-za] Ubuntu and Mozilla, the inevitable alliance
David Robert Lewis (ethnopunk)
- [ubuntu-za] Ubuntu and Mozilla, the inevitable alliance
David Robert Lewis (ethnopunk)
- [ubuntu-za] Karmic CDs
David Robert Lewis (ethnopunk)
- [ubuntu-za] Nautilus Desktop frozen
David Robert Lewis (ethnopunk)
- [ubuntu-za] Nautilus Desktop frozen
David Robert Lewis (ethnopunk)
- [ubuntu-za] Nautilus Desktop frozen
David Robert Lewis (ethnopunk)
- [ubuntu-za] 2010 Roadmap Ubuntu-ZA
Jonathan Carter (highvoltage)
- [ubuntu-za] How to help
Jonathan Carter (highvoltage)
- [ubuntu-za] Ubuntu 10.4
Jonathan Carter (highvoltage)
- [ubuntu-za] Bye
Jonathan Carter (highvoltage)
- [ubuntu-za] Edubuntu
Jonathan Carter (highvoltage)
- [ubuntu-za] Ubuntu 10.04 Lucid Alpha 2 Released
Jonathan Carter (highvoltage)
- [ubuntu-za] Ubuntu and Mozilla, the inevitable alliance
Jonathan Carter (highvoltage)
- [ubuntu-za] Ubuntu and Mozilla, the inevitable alliance
Jonathan Carter (highvoltage)
- [ubuntu-za] Karmic CDs
Jonathan Carter (highvoltage)
- [ubuntu-za] Designing a GUI front end for PostgreSQL
Jonathan Carter (highvoltage)
- [ubuntu-za] Fwd: [Ubuntu-za-maties] LoCoTeam Election - Maties Ubuntu
Jonathan Carter (highvoltage)
- [ubuntu-za] Fwd: [Ubuntu-za-maties] LoCoTeam Election - Maties Ubuntu
Jonathan Carter (highvoltage)
- [ubuntu-za] UCT Algorithm Circle: Free Introductory Python Course
Michiel Baird
- [ubuntu-za] Connecting to iBurst
Quintin Beukes
- [ubuntu-za] Welcome Nick
Quintin Beukes
- [ubuntu-za] Is it worth it?
Marius Bock
- [ubuntu-za] DVDs in Karmic
Robin Bownes
- [ubuntu-za] Is it worth it?
Josh Brodrick
- [ubuntu-za] Bye
Weiers Coetser
- [ubuntu-za] ISO image
Hannes Coetzee
- [ubuntu-za] ISO image
Hannes Coetzee
- [ubuntu-za] DVDs in Karmic
Hannes Coetzee
- [ubuntu-za] Distance learning courses for Linux
Hannes Coetzee
- [ubuntu-za] Nokia N900 or HTC Hero
Morgan Collett
- [ubuntu-za] How to help
Morgan Collett
- [ubuntu-za] Name an asteroid Ubuntu
Morgan Collett
- [ubuntu-za] Karmic CDs
Morgan Collett
- [ubuntu-za] Fwd: [Ubuntu-za-maties] LoCoTeam Election - Maties Ubuntu
Morgan Collett
- [ubuntu-za] Betavine Developer Day - Cape Town
Morgan Collett
- [ubuntu-za] OT : Netbook Survey
Karl Fischer
- [ubuntu-za] Database Problems
Matthew French
- [ubuntu-za] Database Problems
Matthew French
- [ubuntu-za] Database Problems - Installing PostgreSQL
Matthew French
- [ubuntu-za] Database Problems - Installing PostgreSQL
Matthew French
- [ubuntu-za] Database Problems - Installing PostgreSQL
Matthew French
- [ubuntu-za] UCT Algorithm Circle: Free Introductory Python Course
Marco Gallotta
- [ubuntu-za] ISO image
- [ubuntu-za] Fwd: W7 Theme - Maties Ubuntu
Hilton Gibson
- [ubuntu-za] Ubuntu and Mozilla, the inevitable alliance
Hilton Gibson
- [ubuntu-za] Ubuntu and Mozilla, the inevitable alliance
Hilton Gibson
- [ubuntu-za] Distance learning courses for Linux
Hilton Gibson
- [ubuntu-za] Is it worth it?
Hilton Gibson
- [ubuntu-za] Database Problems - Installing PostgreSQL
Hilton Gibson
- [ubuntu-za] Database Problems - Installing PostgreSQL
Hilton Gibson
- [ubuntu-za] Fwd: [Ubuntu-za-maties] LoCoTeam Election - Maties Ubuntu
Hilton Gibson
- [ubuntu-za] Fwd: [Ubuntu-za-maties] LoCoTeam Election - Maties Ubuntu
Hilton Gibson
- [ubuntu-za] LoCoTeam - Maties
Hilton Gibson
- [ubuntu-za] 2010 Roadmap Ubuntu-ZA
Jonathan Hitchcock
- [ubuntu-za] Is it worth it?
Jonathan Hitchcock
- [ubuntu-za] Database Problems
Jonathan Hitchcock
- [ubuntu-za] Designing a GUI front end for PostgreSQL
Jonathan Hitchcock
- [ubuntu-za] Database Problems - Installing PostgreSQL
Jonathan Hitchcock
- [ubuntu-za] Is it worth it?
Robert Holm
- [ubuntu-za] Is it worth it?
Robert Holm
- [ubuntu-za] Just introducing myself
Ewald Horn
- [ubuntu-za] Bye
Ewald Horn
- [ubuntu-za] Ubuntu world cup logo
Ewald Horn
- [ubuntu-za] Ubuntu world cup logo
Ewald Horn
- [ubuntu-za] Is it worth it?
Ewald Horn
- [ubuntu-za] Prepaid internet
Ewald Horn
- [ubuntu-za] Is it worth it?
Ewald Horn
- [ubuntu-za] Database Problems
Ewald Horn
- [ubuntu-za] Database Problems
Ewald Horn
- [ubuntu-za] Database Problems
Ewald Horn
- [ubuntu-za] Database Problems
Ewald Horn
- [ubuntu-za] Ubuntu world cup logo
Trevor Hughes
- [ubuntu-za] Cloneing
Andre Hugo
- [ubuntu-za] Nokia N900 or HTC Hero
Andre Hugo
- [ubuntu-za] Nokia N900 or HTC Hero
Andre Hugo
- [ubuntu-za] Nokia N900 or HTC Hero
Andre Hugo
- [ubuntu-za] Ubuntu 10.4
Andre Hugo
- [ubuntu-za] Nokia N900 or HTC Hero
Andre Hugo
- [ubuntu-za] Is it worth it?
Andre Hugo
- [ubuntu-za] Nokia N900 or HTC Hero
Tim Johnson
- [ubuntu-za] Ubuntu world cup logo
Tim Johnson
- [ubuntu-za] SPAM-MED: Re: DVDs in Karmic
Tim Johnson
- [ubuntu-za] How to help
- [ubuntu-za] Cloneing
- [ubuntu-za] Bye
- [ubuntu-za] Huawei K3715
- [ubuntu-za] Huawei K3715
- [ubuntu-za] Huawei K3715
- [ubuntu-za] Bye
- [ubuntu-za] Ubuntu world cup logo
- [ubuntu-za] Ubuntu world cup logo
- [ubuntu-za] Ubuntu world cup logo
- [ubuntu-za] Ubuntu 10.04 Lucid Alpha 2 Released
- [ubuntu-za] Ubuntu 10.04 Lucid Alpha 2 Released
- [ubuntu-za] Ubuntu 10.04 Lucid Alpha 2 Released
- [ubuntu-za] Distance learning courses for Linux
- [ubuntu-za] VodaFone usb modem
William Walter Kinghorn
- [ubuntu-za] Cloneing
William Walter Kinghorn
- [ubuntu-za] Ubuntu world cup logo
William Walter Kinghorn
- [ubuntu-za] Ubuntu world cup logo
William Walter Kinghorn
- [ubuntu-za] Edubuntu
William Walter Kinghorn
- [ubuntu-za] To get Ubuntu 910 to work as a TightVNC Server
William Walter Kinghorn
- [ubuntu-za] Distance learning courses for Linux
William Walter Kinghorn
- [ubuntu-za] Is it worth it?
William Walter Kinghorn
- [ubuntu-za] Ubuntu User Days -- Sat Jan 23
William Walter Kinghorn
- [ubuntu-za] Database Problems - Installing PostgreSQL
William Walter Kinghorn
- [ubuntu-za] Designing a GUI front end for PostgreSQL
William Walter Kinghorn
- [ubuntu-za] Designing a GUI front end for PostgreSQL
William Walter Kinghorn
- [ubuntu-za] Database Problems - Installing PostgreSQL
William Walter Kinghorn
- [ubuntu-za] Hi
Juan Koegelenberg
- [ubuntu-za] VodaFone usb modem
Juan Koegelenberg
- [ubuntu-za] VodaFone usb modem
Juan Koegelenberg
- [ubuntu-za] ISO image
Juan Koegelenberg
- [ubuntu-za] VodaFone usb modem
Juan Koegelenberg
- [ubuntu-za] Thax
Juan Koegelenberg
- [ubuntu-za] 2010 Roadmap Ubuntu-ZA
Juan Koegelenberg
- [ubuntu-za] 2010 Roadmap Ubuntu-ZA
Juan Koegelenberg
- [ubuntu-za] How to help
Juan Koegelenberg
- [ubuntu-za] How to help
Juan Koegelenberg
- [ubuntu-za] Ubuntu 10.4
Juan Koegelenberg
- [ubuntu-za] Huawei K3715
Juan Koegelenberg
- [ubuntu-za] World cup ubuntu logo
Juan Koegelenberg
- [ubuntu-za] Ubuntu world cup logo
Juan Koegelenberg
- [ubuntu-za] Welcome Nick
Juan Koegelenberg
- [ubuntu-za] Ubuntu 10.04 Lucid Alpha 2 Released
Juan Koegelenberg
- [ubuntu-za] Ubuntu 10.04 Lucid Alpha 2 Released
Juan Koegelenberg
- [ubuntu-za] lan games
Juan Koegelenberg
- [ubuntu-za] Connecting to iBurst
Leo Kruger
- [ubuntu-za] Connecting to iBurst From a iBurst Ethernet Modem with 100M UTP cable
Leo Kruger
- [ubuntu-za] Daemons no longer automatically starting viz apt-cacher-ng and cups
Frank Kusel
- [ubuntu-za] Daemons no longer automatically starting viz apt-cacher-ng and cups
Frank Kusel
- [ubuntu-za] ISO image
Tim De Lange
- [ubuntu-za] How to help
Tim De Lange
- [ubuntu-za] Connecting to iBurst Using a iBurst Ethernet Modem (The external one with UTP Cable)
Tim De Lange
- [ubuntu-za] How to help
Walter Leibbrandt
- [ubuntu-za] 2010 Roadmap Ubuntu-ZA
Walter Leibbrandt
- [ubuntu-za] Ubuntu 9.04 on Ebox
Walter Leibbrandt
- [ubuntu-za] Ubuntu 10.04 Lucid Alpha 2 Released
Walter Leibbrandt
- [ubuntu-za] 64bit iso's - Ubuntu in Midrand
Walter Leibbrandt
- [ubuntu-za] An Alternative Server to SAMBA Server
Walter Leibbrandt
- [ubuntu-za] Database Problems - Installing PostgreSQL
Walter Leibbrandt
- [ubuntu-za] Fwd: [Ubuntu-za-maties] LoCoTeam Election - Maties Ubuntu
Walter Leibbrandt
- [ubuntu-za] LoCoTeam - Maties
Walter Leibbrandt
- [ubuntu-za] Name an asteroid Ubuntu
- [ubuntu-za] How to help
Vijay Makanjee
- [ubuntu-za] 64bit iso's - Ubuntu in Midrand
Neil Manson
- [ubuntu-za] UCT Algorithm Circle: Free Introductory Python Course
Igshaan Mesias
- [ubuntu-za] Just introducing myself
Gustav H Meyer
- [ubuntu-za] SpreadUbuntu - was: Ubuntu world cup logo
Gustav H Meyer
- [ubuntu-za] Connecting to iBurst
Nick Michael(PtaISP)
- [ubuntu-za] To get Ubuntu 910 to work as a TightVNC Server
Nick Michael(PtaISP)
- [ubuntu-za] An Alternative Server to SAMBA Server
Nick Michael(PtaISP)
- [ubuntu-za] 64bit iso's - Ubuntu in Midrand
Nick Michael(PtaISP)
- [ubuntu-za] Connecting to iBurst From a iBurst Ethernet Modem with 100M UTP cable
Nick Michael(PtaISP)
- [ubuntu-za] To get Ubuntu 910 to work as a TightVNC Server
Nick Michael(PtaISP)
- [ubuntu-za] SME server as an alternative to SAMBA
Nick Michael(PtaISP)
- [ubuntu-za] Connecting to iBurst Using a iBurst Ethernet Modem (The external one with UTP Cable)
Nico Michael(PtaISP)
- [ubuntu-za] IRC channels
Chris Mulder
- [ubuntu-za] Anyone running Karmic on a Macbook Pro??
Chris Mulder
- [ubuntu-za] IRC channels
Chris Mulder
- [ubuntu-za] Just introducing myself
Johan Mynhardt
- [ubuntu-za] 2010 Roadmap Ubuntu-ZA
Johan Mynhardt
- [ubuntu-za] 2010 Roadmap Ubuntu-ZA
Johan Mynhardt
- [ubuntu-za] How to help
Johan Mynhardt
- [ubuntu-za] Nokia N900 or HTC Hero
Johan Mynhardt
- [ubuntu-za] Nokia N900 or HTC Hero
Johan Mynhardt
- [ubuntu-za] Nokia N900 or HTC Hero
Johan Mynhardt
- [ubuntu-za] Bye
Johan Mynhardt
- [ubuntu-za] Database Problems
Johan Mynhardt
- [ubuntu-za] Database Problems
Johan Mynhardt
- [ubuntu-za] Designing a GUI front end for PostgreSQL
Johan Mynhardt
- [ubuntu-za] Distance learning courses for Linux
Sudhashen Naicker
- [ubuntu-za] 64bit iso's - Ubuntu in Midrand
Sudhashen Naicker
- [ubuntu-za] Just introducing myself
David Nel
- [ubuntu-za] Just introducing myself
David Nel
- [ubuntu-za] Ubuntu world cup logo
David Nel
- [ubuntu-za] Ubuntu world cup logo
David Nel
- [ubuntu-za] Ubuntu 10.04 Lucid Alpha 2 Released
David Nel
- [ubuntu-za] Is it worth it?
David Nel
- [ubuntu-za] Is it worth it?
David Nel
- [ubuntu-za] Is it worth it?
David Nel
- [ubuntu-za] Connecting to iBurst From a iBurst Ethernet Modem with 100M UTP cable
David Nel
- [ubuntu-za] Fwd: [Ubuntu-za-maties] LoCoTeam Election - Maties Ubuntu
Adrianna Pinska
- [ubuntu-za] OT : Netbook Survey
Andy Rabagliati
- [ubuntu-za] Ubuntu 10.4
Helge Reikeras
- [ubuntu-za] Ubuntu 10.4
Helge Reikeras
- [ubuntu-za] Ubuntu and Mozilla, the inevitable alliance
Helge Reikeras
- [ubuntu-za] Ubuntu and Mozilla, the inevitable alliance
Helge Reikeras
- [ubuntu-za] Ubuntu and Mozilla, the inevitable alliance
Helge Reikeras
- [ubuntu-za] Ubuntu and Mozilla, the inevitable alliance
Helge Reikeras
- [ubuntu-za] Ubuntu and Mozilla, the inevitable alliance
Helge Reikeras
- [ubuntu-za] Ubuntu and Mozilla, the inevitable alliance
Helge Reikeras
- [ubuntu-za] Is it worth it?
Helge Reikeras
- [ubuntu-za] Karmic CDs
Helge Reikeras
- [ubuntu-za] Ubuntu default search engine to change in deal with Yahoo
Helge Reikeras
- [ubuntu-za] Fwd: [Ubuntu-za-maties] LoCoTeam Election - Maties Ubuntu
Helge Reikeras
- [ubuntu-za] Database Problems - Installing PostgreSQL
Stefano Rivera
- [ubuntu-za] Ubuntu world cup logo
- [ubuntu-za] 2010 Roadmap Ubuntu-ZA
Nic Roets
- [ubuntu-za] Ubuntu and Mozilla, the inevitable alliance
Nic Roets
- [ubuntu-za] Ubuntu and Mozilla, the inevitable alliance
Nic Roets
- [ubuntu-za] Messageboard application
Nic Roets
- [ubuntu-za] Ubuntu and Mozilla, the inevitable alliance
Andre Rossouw
- [ubuntu-za] Update Manager bug?
David Rubin
- [ubuntu-za] Fwd: International Women's Day -- Competition!
David Rubin
- [ubuntu-za] 2010 Roadmap Ubuntu-ZA
David Rubin
- [ubuntu-za] Wiki Jam & Peanut Butter
David Rubin
- [ubuntu-za] 2010 Roadmap Ubuntu-ZA
David Rubin
- [ubuntu-za] Ubuntu world cup logo
David Rubin
- [ubuntu-za] Ubuntu world cup logo
David Rubin
- [ubuntu-za] Ubuntu and Mozilla, the inevitable alliance
David Rubin
- [ubuntu-za] Fwd: [Ubuntu-za-maties] LoCoTeam Election - Maties Ubuntu
David Rubin
- [ubuntu-za] LoCoTeam - Maties
David Rubin
- [ubuntu-za] Wiki Jam & Peanut Butter
David Rubin
- [ubuntu-za] Changine an email address for the mailing list
David Rubin
- [ubuntu-za] 2010 Roadmap Ubuntu-ZA
- [ubuntu-za] 2010 Roadmap Ubuntu-ZA
- [ubuntu-za] Daemons no longer automatically starting viz apt-cacher-ng and cups
Chris Schoonbee
- [ubuntu-za] Daemons no longer automatically starting viz apt-cacher-ng and cups
Chris Schoonbee
- [ubuntu-za] Daemons no longer automatically starting viz apt-cacher-ng and cups
Chris Schoonbee
- [ubuntu-za] Daemons no longer automatically starting viz apt-cacher-ng and cups
Chris Schoonbee
- [ubuntu-za] Daemons no longer automatically starting viz apt-cacher-ng and cups
Chris Schoonbee
- [ubuntu-za] Update Manager bug?
Chris Schoonbee
- [ubuntu-za] ISO image
Chris Schoonbee
- [ubuntu-za] ISO image
Chris Schoonbee
- [ubuntu-za] Sound & OpenOffice questions
Chris Schoonbee
- [ubuntu-za] ISO image
Chris Schoonbee
- [ubuntu-za] 2010 Roadmap Ubuntu-ZA
Brenton Edgar Scott
- [ubuntu-za] Sound & OpenOffice questions
Brenton Edgar Scott
- [ubuntu-za] Sound & OpenOffice questions
Brenton Edgar Scott
- [ubuntu-za] Ubuntu 10.04 Lucid Alpha 2 Released
Brenton Edgar Scott
- [ubuntu-za] DVDs in Karmic
Brenton Edgar Scott
- [ubuntu-za] Distance learning courses for Linux
Brenton Edgar Scott
- [ubuntu-za] How to help
- [ubuntu-za] Cloneing
- [ubuntu-za] Sound & OpenOffice questions
- [ubuntu-za] Sound & OpenOffice questions
- [ubuntu-za] How to help
Lee Sharp
- [ubuntu-za] Ubuntu 10.4
Lee Sharp
- [ubuntu-za] Ubuntu and Mozilla, the inevitable alliance
Lee Sharp
- [ubuntu-za] Database Problems
Lee Sharp
- [ubuntu-za] Database Problems
Lee Sharp
- [ubuntu-za] Designing a GUI front end for PostgreSQL
Lee Sharp
- [ubuntu-za] Fwd: [Ubuntu-za-maties] LoCoTeam Election - Maties Ubuntu
Lee Sharp
- [ubuntu-za] Nokia N900 or HTC Hero
Raoul Snyman
- [ubuntu-za] Ubuntu and Mozilla, the inevitable alliance
Raoul Snyman
- [ubuntu-za] Is it worth it?
Raoul Snyman
- [ubuntu-za] Database Problems
Raoul Snyman
- [ubuntu-za] Database Problems
Raoul Snyman
- [ubuntu-za] Database Problems
Raoul Snyman
- [ubuntu-za] Database Problems - Installing PostgreSQL
Raoul Snyman
- [ubuntu-za] Database Problems - Installing PostgreSQL
Raoul Snyman
- [ubuntu-za] Database Problems - Installing PostgreSQL
Raoul Snyman
- [ubuntu-za] Fwd: [Ubuntu-za-maties] LoCoTeam Election - Maties Ubuntu
Raoul Snyman
- [ubuntu-za] Nokia N900 or HTC Hero
Alf Stockton
- [ubuntu-za] Nokia N900 or HTC Hero
Alf Stockton
- [ubuntu-za] Database Problems
Alf Stockton
- [ubuntu-za] VodaFone usb modem
Mark Stockton
- [ubuntu-za] Huawei K3715
Mark Stockton
- [ubuntu-za] Huawei K3715
Mark Stockton
- [ubuntu-za] Huawei K3715
Mark Stockton
- [ubuntu-za] Database Problems
Mark Stockton
- [ubuntu-za] Update Manager bug?
Corrie Strydom
- [ubuntu-za] Just introducing myself
Corrie Strydom
- [ubuntu-za] Hi
Corrie Strydom
- [ubuntu-za] IRC channels
Corrie Strydom
- [ubuntu-za] ISO image
Corrie Strydom
- [ubuntu-za] VodaFone usb modem
Corrie Strydom
- [ubuntu-za] 2010 Roadmap Ubuntu-ZA
Corrie Strydom
- [ubuntu-za] How to help
Corrie Strydom
- [ubuntu-za] Huawei K3715
Corrie Strydom
- [ubuntu-za] Database Problems - Installing PostgreSQL
Corrie Strydom
- [ubuntu-za] Nokia N900 or HTC Hero
Ivo Vegter
- [ubuntu-za] How to help
Charl Wentzel
- [ubuntu-za] Ubuntu world cup logo
Charl Wentzel
- [ubuntu-za] Edubuntu
Charl Wentzel
- [ubuntu-za] Bye
Charl Wentzel
- [ubuntu-za] Ubuntu 9.04 on Ebox
Charl Wentzel
- [ubuntu-za] Ubuntu world cup logo
Charl Wentzel
- [ubuntu-za] Edubuntu
Charl Wentzel
- [ubuntu-za] Ubuntu and Mozilla, the inevitable alliance
Charl Wentzel
- [ubuntu-za] Is it worth it?
Charl Wentzel
- [ubuntu-za] Messageboard application
Charl Wentzel
- [ubuntu-za] Ubuntu world cup logo
Wesley Werner
- [ubuntu-za] Ubuntu world cup logo
Wesley Werner
- [ubuntu-za] Ubuntu world cup logo
Wesley Werner
- [ubuntu-za] Ubuntu 10.04 Lucid Alpha 2 Released
Wesley Werner
- [ubuntu-za] Ubuntu 10.04 Lucid Alpha 2 Released
Wesley Werner
- [ubuntu-za] Ubuntu world cup logo
Wesley Werner
- [ubuntu-za] lan games
Wesley Werner
- [ubuntu-za] Ubuntu and Mozilla, the inevitable alliance
Wesley Werner
- [ubuntu-za] DVDs in Karmic
Wesley Werner
- [ubuntu-za] Ubuntu User Days -- Sat Jan 23
Wesley Werner
- [ubuntu-za] Is it worth it?
Wesley Werner
- [ubuntu-za] Ubuntu User Days -- Sat Jan 23
Wesley Werner
- [ubuntu-za] Database Problems - Installing PostgreSQL
Wesley Werner
- [ubuntu-za] Messageboard application
Wesley Werner
- [ubuntu-za] Nautilus Desktop frozen
Wesley Werner
- [ubuntu-za] Nautilus Desktop frozen
Wesley Werner
- [ubuntu-za] Update Manager bug?
- [ubuntu-za] Just introducing myself
- [ubuntu-za] Hi
- [ubuntu-za] VodaFone usb modem
- [ubuntu-za] VodaFone usb modem
- [ubuntu-za] Daemons no longer automatically starting viz apt-cacher-ng and cups
- [ubuntu-za] Daemons no longer automatically starting viz apt-cacher-ng and cups
- [ubuntu-za] VodaFone usb modem
- [ubuntu-za] 2010 Roadmap Ubuntu-ZA
- [ubuntu-za] How to help
- [ubuntu-za] How to help
- [ubuntu-za] Sound & OpenOffice questions
- [ubuntu-za] Bye
- [ubuntu-za] Ubuntu world cup logo
- [ubuntu-za] Sound & OpenOffice questions
Ian Whitfield
- [ubuntu-za] Database Problems
Ian Whitfield
- [ubuntu-za] Database Problems
Ian Whitfield
- [ubuntu-za] Database Problems
Ian Whitfield
- [ubuntu-za] Database Problems
Ian Whitfield
- [ubuntu-za] Database Problems - Installing PostgreSQL
Ian Whitfield
- [ubuntu-za] Database Problems - Installing PostgreSQL
Ian Whitfield
- [ubuntu-za] Database Problems - Installing PostgreSQL
Ian Whitfield
- [ubuntu-za] Designing a GUI front end for PostgreSQL
Ian Whitfield
- [ubuntu-za] Database Problems - Installing PostgreSQL
Ian Whitfield
- [ubuntu-za] Database Problems - Installing PostgreSQL
Ian Whitfield
- [ubuntu-za] lan games
- [ubuntu-za] Database Problems
ewaldhorn at gmail.com
- [ubuntu-za] LoCoTeam - Maties
maia grotepass
- [ubuntu-za] Hi
- [ubuntu-za] Bye
simone at saxonwoldprimary.co.za
- [ubuntu-za] Changine an email address for the mailing list
concern shoko
- [ubuntu-za] Connecting to iBurst From a iBurst Ethernet Modem with 100M UTP cable
- [ubuntu-za] Designing a GUI front end for PostgreSQL
Last message date:
Sun Jan 31 21:59:22 GMT 2010
Archived on: Sun Jan 31 21:59:54 GMT 2010
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).