[ubuntu-za] 2010 Roadmap Ubuntu-ZA

Jonathan Hitchcock jonathan.hitchcock at gmail.com
Mon Jan 11 07:51:26 GMT 2010


On Mon, Jan 11, 2010 at 7:42 AM, Johan Mynhardt <johanmynhardt at gmail.com> wrote:
> You can use top-posting[0] at office/work as much as you like, however
> it is not mailing-list friendly. People that get digests at the end of
> the day can't make out in which order the thread begun.
> So for chronological purposes it's really great if everyone can try to
> keep to email etiquette and use bottom-posting[1].

Actually, bottom-posting is just as bad, if not worse, than
top-posting.  There's nothing more unpleasant than scrolling down
through pages of quoted conversation, signatures and so on, to find
that somebody has said "Yes, I agree!" at the bottom.  Especially if
you have no idea what they're agreeing to.

When replying to messages, put replies after the quoted text they're
referring to, and put the rest of your text where it should be - if
it's at the top or the bottom, that's fine, as long as it makes sense.
 (An example where "top posting" isn't as evil as people make it would
be greetings, introductory text, new material, etc.)  The most
important bit is to remove all the stuff that is not relevant, and put
your replies in-line with the rest.

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