[ubuntu-za] Fwd: [Ubuntu-za-maties] LoCoTeam Election - Maties Ubuntu

Raoul Snyman raoul.snyman at saturnlaboratories.co.za
Thu Jan 28 11:15:16 GMT 2010


On Thu, 28 Jan 2010 12:14:04 +0200, Hilton Gibson wrote:
> Once the Loco is up and running then the following can happen.
> 1. Maintain the freedom toaster.
> 2. Maintain the wiki help web site.
> 3. Help support surrounding schools and organisations.
> 4. Organise events and promotion.
> 5. Solicit funds.
> etc....
> And all of the above is sustainable over the long term.
> Its a win for the University (free expert support) and for the
> community (sustainable).
> What do the rest think ?

I don't think anyone disputes your reasoning, but I think some of us are
puzzled by the need for a separate LoCo. Why not operate under the banner
of Ubuntu-ZA? Surely that gives you more weight? Cape Town has an Ubuntu-ZA
mini-community, Gauteng has an Ubuntu-ZA mini-community... sure they're
more on an informal level, but why can't Stellenbosch do the same?

I don't think creating a separate LoCo is a good idea, it kinda divides the

Raoul Snyman, B.Tech IT (Software Engineering)
Saturn Laboratories
e: raoul.snyman at saturnlaboratories.co.za
w: http://www.saturnlaboratories.co.za/
b: http://blog.saturnlaboratories.co.za/

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