[ubuntu-za] Ubuntu and Mozilla, the inevitable alliance

Andre Rossouw andre at arnet.co.za
Mon Jan 18 13:38:21 GMT 2010

On Mon, 2010-01-18 at 14:43 +0200, Charl Wentzel wrote:
> 2. You customers are more relaxed, since they know that should
> something
> happen to you, they can always get someone else to support the
> software.

My only experience of this is the opposite. I work for a large IT
company and they use the opposite of this as their sales tactic for .net

Their thinking as that since the local universities are pushing out
developers proficient with Microsoft tools, that the open source (or any
non-Microsoft) alternatives should be abandoned. This is unfortunately
very prevalent in the Eastern Cape.

I strongly disagree and openly endorse Open Source applications for
business, however, the business leaders that I interact with need some

> It's not so much "risky" as it is "different", and "different" usually
> feels scary, even if it is not.

I agree with this 100%, I've moved a few users (including power users)
to Ubuntu as well as some "critical" business servers. Now that the
people are seeing something different, they approach the Open Source

My two cents worth.

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