[ubuntu-za] Update Manager bug?

David Robert Lewis (ethnopunk) ethnopunk at telkomsa.net
Sat Jan 9 08:08:29 GMT 2010

Chris Schoonbee wrote:
> David Robert Lewis (ethnopunk) wrote:
>> Update Manager doesn't seem to know when it last updated. Says "the 
>> package information was last updated 59days ago" which is when I 
>> installed Karmic. Been updating but it doesn't seem to know it.
>> A bug perhaps?
>> DRL
>> PS Happy New Decade to everyone on the list.
> Do you get any error messages when running Check in Update Manager?
> I had a similar problem recently - I would run Update Manager and it 
> would say that my system was up to date but it would also report that 
> the package information was last updated 8 days ago!
> It turned out that a PPA repo on Launchpad that I had recently tried to 
> add in Software Sources could not be accessed (I am still not sure why, 
> incorrect URL presumably).  Anyway, after unchecking it in Software 
> Sources and reloading package info, UM then reported that package 
> information was last updated less than an hour ago - which is what I 
> expected.
> In other words, all the default Ubuntu repo packages were up to date but 
> UM is reporting the longest time since any one repo's package had been 
> successfully updated not the last time that it had downloaded package 
> information.
> Hope this helps.
> Chris
This could be the "source" of the problem. Will look into it. Thanks Chris.

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