[ubuntu-za] Connecting to iBurst Using a iBurst Ethernet Modem (The external one with UTP Cable)
Nico Michael(PtaISP)
nick.michael at ptaisp.co.za
Fri Jan 22 06:56:27 GMT 2010
Hi Quintin
Thanks for the Email
i am trying to do something With Ubuntu that works with Windows XP and
it seems that it may not work with Ubuntu
i have two children in school and we all need access to the Internet
from our laptops , I have a working solution in Windows XP
i have a widnows XP machine with two network cards and a very good
firewall one network connects to my iBurst modem 100M away in the roof
of my house
the other network cable connects to my Network HUB this works well and i
can limit who can access to internet by MAC address
This works well but buys me no recognition in the Linux world
I can not use PPPOe
Ubuntu does not even detect my iBurst
i do not know how to setup routers and If I do will it prevent what I
want to do to Share my Internet with my kids
I am using the Desktop version connected with a 100M UTP ethernet cable
I believe i need to install a driver to fol the Ubuntu to think there is
a modem connected to it
I am not a Ubuntu expert and stil suffer quite a lot of frustration from
not having the decent management Interface tha SUSE Linux gives you
I am currently using Windows XP which works and one day when Ubuntu is
made to work i will migrate and take a lot of hassles with it.
Last night I was tired and as i could not connect to the internet with
the Ubuntu box i could not get help in Google
Please advise me and tell me if you believe Ubuntu can deliver the
solution Windows gives me
Quintin Beukes wrote:
> Hey Nick,
> Firstly, the driver from the sourceforge project (ibdriver) won't work
> on 9.10, due to the kernel not being supported. There was quite some
> extensive changes with the network device driver API. Though, I have
> made a patch for it, and you can find this patch on the "patches" page
> on the same source forge site. It will be from a "anonymous" user, and
> have a title to the tune of "2.6.31 Completed" or something like that.
> Further, iBurst only needs a driver when you use the USB or PCMCIA
> modem. When using the UTP connection you have 2 options, and neither
> needs a driver.
> Firstly, you can configure the modem as a router, and set it up as
> your gateway. So if your IP is, and the modem's driver is
>, you would just setup your gateway to be If you're
> not on the same subnet, well... you would know what to do.
> Second option is to use rp-pppoe. You can get it from the
> repositories. Then using the network manager (the little network icon
> in your system tray) to add a connection under the "DSL" tab. This tab
> will use PPPoE to establish a connection.
> If you need help, just shout.
> Quintin Beukes
> On Fri, Jan 15, 2010 at 8:06 AM, Leo Kruger <krugerl1 at gmail.com> wrote:
>> On Thu, Jan 14, 2010 at 5:29 PM, Nick Michael(PtaISP)
>> <nick.michael at ptaisp.co.za> wrote:
>>> Hi there
>>> Is there any one using Ubuntu 910 connecting to iBurst with External
>>> Desk modem (the one with a UTP network cable)
>>> If so how do you do it?
>>> Where did you get your driver?
>>> What scripts do you have to write to do the broadband PPPoE connection
>>> regards
>>> Nick
>> Hey Nick,
>> The Driver you can get from
>> sourceforge. http://sourceforge.net/projects/ibdriver/
>> And just install rp-pppoe.
>> Install the driver, without the modem connected. configure, make, and sudo
>> make install.
>> Connect the modem.
>> Do the configuration steps ( pppoe-setup )
>> and use pppoe-start to start. and pppoe-stop.
>> --
>> Leo Kruger
>> email: krugerl1 at gmail.com
>> --
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