[ubuntu-za] How to help

SecretCode secretcode343 at gmail.com
Tue Jan 12 19:06:13 GMT 2010

Lots of good advice so far.

Here's a really good way to help: file bug reports.

It's not easy - it feels like work - but you don't have to learn coding 
or be an expert, you just have to be a user. I say it feels like work 
because it's not like reading wikis and posting questions in forums - 
you need to get your facts together, state your problem clearly, and be 
prepared to work on providing more details and testing things. And 
making sure your bug hasn't been reported yet.

If you use Ubuntu as released, you already have at your fingertips, and 
can find bugs in, Ubuntu itself, GNOME, OpenOffice, even the Linux kernel.


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