[ubuntu-za] How to help

Tim De Lange timdelange at gmail.com
Tue Jan 12 14:05:11 GMT 2010

On Tue, Jan 12, 2010 at 7:01 AM, Juan Koegelenberg <juank at vodamail.co.za> wrote:
> Hi guys
> I would realy like to help, but don't know where to start. Everyone
> knows I am a newbie, a egar one. I get in the way sometimes so I guess
> its better for me to take order's at this stage of the game. I don't
> have many skills, but hope to change that in Feb when I go study Linux.
> You guys use many words and sayings that I dont understand. I am a
> better hands on guy that theoretical dude. What I am trying to say is
> that if you give me something to do I will give it my best shot. O ja
> and tell me what software to use to please.
> Thax
> Juan

Hi Juan

Just by using Ubuntu and communicating your experience already helps
us. The more people use it, the better it gets tested and the better
the product becomes.

Some of  best advice I can give you is to subscribe to active linux
mailing lists and forums (like this one) and see who you can help.

I know you think youre too much of a newbie, but the fact is anyone can help.

One of the greatest skills you can ever learn to be good at Linux (and
computing in general) is :  Research.

When I was still learning, I would try to reproduce the issues people
were having or asking about on the mailing lists. Many times I could
find workarounds just by experimenting.  Or if they wanted to know
what software to use for a specific task, I'd look in Synaptic,
install a few of the packages and see if I could make them work. If I
could find a solution for the question I would post an answer.

If someone asks a question that interests you, google the question
yourself and see if you can find an answer. Try to make use of the
answer yourself - install the software, reproduce the effect. If you
are sucessful - reply to the question on the forum/mailinglist.

I guess one of the best ways you can help is to always try very hard
to use Linux to achieve your goals. If you want , for example, to edit
photos, use Gimp(instead of windows and photoshop) and find a way to
do what you need. If it was harder in linux than in windows, post the
way you got it done in linux somewhere where Google will find it so it
will be easier for other pioneers following in your footsteps.

If you think the authors of Gimp or any other software component needs
to change or add  something - do your part and find a way to let them
know! This all helps.

If you want you can eventually  learn to add features and improvements
to the software yourself.


Tim De Lange

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