[ubuntu-za] UCT Algorithm Circle: Free Introductory Python Course

Marco Gallotta marco at gallotta.co.za
Fri Jan 22 08:01:48 GMT 2010

Hi Igshaan

On Fri, Jan 22, 2010 at 7:24 AM, Igshaan Mesias
<igshaan.mesias at gmail.com> wrote:
> Can only kids go, or is anyone welcome to apply?

We have made a few exceptions in the past, but the cases were very
strong and they're typically for our more advanced streams which
include several UCT students (read the "Program" section on [1]). Our
main aim for this particular course is to foster programming from an
early age to help reduce the negative impact of fewer and fewer
schools offering IT as well as giving kids the opportunity to see what
programming is about before they make subject choices. So our
preference will be to select young kids.

We will also be uploading a full recording of the class as we have
been doing for our more recent classes [2]. Which gives me an idea:
perhaps if a large enough group of adults are interested in the CT
area, you guys can get together and we can stream the video to you
live in another venue?


[1] http://algorithm.cs.uct.ac.za/
[2] http://algorithm.cs.uct.ac.za/video/

Marco Gallotta
MSc Student
Department of Computer Science, University of Cape Town
people.cs.uct.ac.za/~mgallott | marco-za.blogspot.com
marco AT gallotta DOT co DOT za | 073 170 4444 | 021 552 2731

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