[ubuntu-za] 2010 Roadmap Ubuntu-ZA

Walter Leibbrandt walter+ubuntuza at translate.org.za
Tue Jan 12 10:55:26 GMT 2010

Op 11/01/2010 22:14, David Rubin het geskryf:
> Currently we have one package in our zaubuntu PPA and that is
> usplash-theme-ubuntu-za can some one verify this still works?
This reminds me... I would like to suggest adding the South African 
spell checkers to the PPA. The Afrikaans spell checker for 
OpenOffice.org has been broken for quite a while and has been fixed for 
even longer. Although this should be fixed upstream, having the packages 
in the Zabuntu would allow people to have easier access to more regular 
updates. I would gladly do the required admin.

Dwayne Bailey had some great ZA-specific ideas when I talked to him 
about it a few months ago. I'll talk to him again and make a list of his 
Walter Leibbrandt                  Software Developer
Recent blogs:
* Ubuntu PPA for Translate Toolkit and Virtaal

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