[ubuntu-za] Database Problems
Mark Stockton
mark at linuxworx.co.za
Fri Jan 22 11:48:05 GMT 2010
Are you trying to connect from localhost or another machine? Also can you
connect locally with psql or PGAdmin?
---------- Original Message -----------
From: Ian Whitfield <whitfield at federalsaints.net>
To: ubuntu-za at lists.ubuntu.com
Sent: Fri, 22 Jan 2010 13:22:55 +0200
Subject: [ubuntu-za] Database Problems
> Hi all
> Another cry for help!
> I've been using OOBase for my Group records since moving to Kubuntu
> butam VERY un-happy with it! It hangs a lot and crashes and does not
> saveon record exit either. It is VERY slow and the save routine is
> anightmare. Also the recovery mode after a crash does NOT work!
> As a result I have lost much data and/or spend lots of time re-
> enteringstuff. So I decided I should move to a 'better' option.
> 1) - I was told I could change the DB Engine in OOBase for MySQL
> whichwould sort out my problems but after working at this for some
> time Igave up as I could not get it to work at all.
> 2) - I then decided to try MySQL on it's own, but again was unable
> toget any success. While investigating this I also became worried
> aboutthe future of MySQL with the Orical buy-out!
> 3) - Having noticed that a recent upgrade included PostgreSQL which
> issupported by Canonical I decided to try this. I found a good
> tutorialfor setting this up but have come un-stuck editing the
> config file asit will not accept my submask address!!!
> Is there anyone out there who could "hold my hand" and help me out here?
> My OpSys is Kubuntu 9.10
> Thanks a lot
> Ian
------- End of Original Message -------
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