September 2008 Archives by author
Starting: Mon Sep 1 00:06:59 BST 2008
Ending: Tue Sep 30 13:24:26 BST 2008
Messages: 353
- Ubuntu Policy: prefixes for multiples of units
Siegfried Gevatter (RainCT)
- gspca webcams (video4linux)
Stéphane Marguet (Stemp)
- Totem BBC plugin
Olafur Arason
- Revert GtkAdjustment clamping change?
Sebastien Bacher
- nvidia-graphics-drivers-177 changelog
Sebastien Bacher
- [RFC] Inclusion of RT2860 driver
Stefan Bader
- [RFC] Inclusion of RT2860 driver
Stefan Bader
- ufw package integration
Nick Barcet
- Resolving conflict in technical debates in an ideal world
Luis de Bethencourt
- Serious e1000e driver issue on Intrepid
Daniel J Blueman
- [RFC] Inclusion of RT2860 driver
Forest Bond
- Resolving conflict in technical debates in an ideal world
Mark Brown
- [dm-crypt] Re: [Bug 267192] [NEW] Misleading cryptsetup error message [PATCH]
Milan Broz
- Distributed development toolset (Re: ArchiveReorganisation and sponsoring)
Michael Casadevall
- [Announce] - Ubuntu Upstream Report
Jorge O. Castro
- NVIDIA drivers moved to the DVD images
Chris Cheney
- Announcing the Ubuntu Manpage Repository
Dotan Cohen
- Announcing the Ubuntu Manpage Repository
Dotan Cohen
- Announcing the Ubuntu Manpage Repository
Dotan Cohen
- Announcing the Ubuntu Manpage Repository
Dotan Cohen
- Announcing the Ubuntu Manpage Repository
Dotan Cohen
- Relicensing the AMR codec for inclusion in Ubuntu
Dotan Cohen
- Moving forward with 2.6.27 kernel
Ben Collins
- motu-release will revert libgems-ruby to the old state.
Kees Cook
- Please check build logs for format security warnings
Kees Cook
- gspca webcams (video4linux)
Kees Cook
- Possible solutions to improve rubygems for intrepid
Kees Cook
- NVIDIA drivers moved to the DVD images
Evan Dandrea
- Installing Flash as an option in usb-creator
Evan Dandrea
- call for testing usb-creator
Evan Dandrea
- call for testing usb-creator
Evan Dandrea
- Call to developers: please update the brainstorm "in development" ideas (list inside)
Nicolas Deschildre
- Call to developers: please update the brainstorm "in development" ideas (list inside)
Nicolas Deschildre
- ufw package integration
James Dinkel
- ufw package integration
James Dinkel
- NVIDIA drivers moved to the DVD images
Justin Dugger
- browser startpage - removing /etc/alternatives/firefox-homepage
Matthew East
- NVIDIA drivers moved to the DVD images
Matthew East
- NVIDIA drivers moved to the DVD images
Matthew East
- Minutes of motu-release meeting, Friday 29th August, 11.00 UTC.
Luca Falavigna
- OOo3 (was Foundations team meeting minutes, 2008-09-03)
( ``-_-´´ ) -- Fernando
- USB installer (was Foundations team meeting minutes, 2008-09-03)
( ``-_-´´ ) -- Fernando
- mobile broadband (was Foundations team meeting minutes, 2008-09-03)
( ``-_-´´ ) -- Fernando
- nvidia-graphics-drivers-177 changelog
( ``-_-´´ ) -- Fernando
- ufw package integration
Silvio Fonseca
- Resolving conflict in technical debates in an ideal world
Caroline Ford
- Please exercise more care (testing packages both build and install)
Pedro Fragoso
- Install Ubuntu from USB flash
Jiafu Gao
- Serious e1000e driver issue on Intrepid
Tim Gardner
- Serious e1000e driver issue on Intrepid
Tim Gardner
- Serious e1000e driver issue on Intrepid
Tim Gardner
- [steve.langasek at Serious, potentially hardware-damaging e1000e driver issue on Intrepid]
Tim Gardner
- [RFC] Inclusion of RT2860 driver
Matthew Garrett
- uswsusp or not?
Matthew Garrett
- Edos-debcheck results (first step)
Andrea Gasparini
- email format change : upload notifications
Andrea Gasparini
- email format change : upload notifications
Andrea Gasparini
- Resolving conflict in technical debates in an ideal world
Silvan Gebhardt
- Resolving conflict in technical debates in an ideal world
Silvan Gebhardt
- Announcing the Ubuntu Manpage Repository
Karl Goetz
- [RFC] Weekly Kernel Team IRC Meeting Time & Format Change
Pete Graner
- [RFC] Inclusion of RT2860 driver
Pete Graner
- Packages in Main/Universe I'm not allowed to modify ...
Oliver Grawert
- Packages in Main/Universe I'm not allowed to modify ...
Oliver Grawert
- motu-release will revert libgems-ruby to the old state.
Mathias Gug
- motu-release will revert libgems-ruby to the old state.
Mathias Gug
- motu-release will revert libgems-ruby to the old state.
Mathias Gug
- Server Team 20080902 meeting minutes
Mathias Gug
- Gem installation in Ubuntu/Debian (Was: motu-release will revert libgems-ruby to the old state)
Mathias Gug
- motu-release will revert libgems-ruby to the old state.
Mathias Gug
- motu-release will revert libgems-ruby to the old state.
Mathias Gug
- Server Team 20080909 meeting minutes
Mathias Gug
- Possible solutions to improve rubygems for intrepid
Mathias Gug
- Server Team 20080916 meeting minutes
Mathias Gug
- Server Team 20080923 meeting minutes
Mathias Gug
- motu-release will revert libgems-ruby to the old state.
Soren Hansen
- Moving w3m out of standard
Soren Hansen
- ufw package integration
Soren Hansen
- ufw package integration
Soren Hansen
- xorg.conf file validator
Bryce Harrington
- xorg.conf file validator
Bryce Harrington
- Foundations team meeting minutes, 2008-09-03
Bryce Harrington
- NVIDIA drivers moved to the DVD images
Bryce Harrington
- Announcing the Ubuntu Manpage Repository
Bryce Harrington
- ubuntu-core-dev PPA?
Bryce Harrington
- ubuntu-core-dev PPA?
Bryce Harrington
- motu-release will revert libgems-ruby to the old state.
Stephan Hermann
- motu-release will revert libgems-ruby to the old state.
Stephan Hermann
- Possible solutions to improve rubygems for intrepid
Stephan Hermann
- Possible solutions to improve rubygems for intrepid
Stephan Hermann
- ArchiveReorganisation and sponsoring
Emmet Hikory
- ArchiveReorganisation and sponsoring
Emmet Hikory
- BZR checkout speed (Was: ArchiveReorganisation and sponsoring)
Emmet Hikory
- motu-release will revert libgems-ruby to the old state.
Emmet Hikory
- Minutes of motu-release meeting, Friday 29th August, 11.00 UTC.
Emmet Hikory
- Distributed development toolset (Re: ArchiveReorganisation and sponsoring)
Emmet Hikory
- Distributed development toolset (Re: ArchiveReorganisation and sponsoring)
Emmet Hikory
- Distributed development toolset (Re: ArchiveReorganisation and sponsoring)
Emmet Hikory
- Please exercise more care (testing packages both build and install)
Sarah Hobbs
- Please exercise more care (testing packages both build and install)
Sarah Hobbs
- Resolving conflict in technical debates in an ideal world
Daniel Holbach
- Distributed development toolset (Re: ArchiveReorganisation and sponsoring)
Daniel Holbach
- Resolving conflict in technical debates in an ideal world
Daniel Holbach
- Resolving conflict in technical debates in an ideal world
Daniel Holbach
- Resolving conflict in technical debates in an ideal world
Daniel Holbach
- Devid Antonio Filoni (devfil) now is a MOTU
Daniel Holbach
- Thierry Carrez (Koon) is Universe Contributor
Daniel Holbach
- Iulian Udrea (iulian) is a Universe Contributor
Daniel Holbach
- Fabien Tassin (fta) is a MOTU
Daniel Holbach
- Resolving conflict in technical debates in an ideal world
Daniel Holbach
- Foundations team meeting minutes, 2008-09-10
Daniel Holbach
- Edos-debcheck results (first step)
Daniel Holbach
- Michael Casadevall (NCommander) is a Universe Contributor
Daniel Holbach
- James Westby (james_w) is a MOTU
Daniel Holbach
- James Westby (james_w) is a MOTU
Daniel Holbach
- Install Ubuntu from USB flash
Christopher Houdeshell
- email format change : upload notifications
Muharem Hrnjadovic
- Serious e1000e driver issue on Intrepid
Chris Jones
- Delegate/Project package lists (Was: Minutes of motu-release meeting, Friday 29th August, 11.00 UTC.)
Cory K.
- ufw package integration
Dennis Kaarsemaker
- motu-release will revert libgems-ruby to the old state.
Dustin Kirkland
- Announcing the Ubuntu Manpage Repository
Dustin Kirkland
- Announcing the Ubuntu Manpage Repository
Dustin Kirkland
- Announcing the Ubuntu Manpage Repository
Dustin Kirkland
- Announcing the Ubuntu Manpage Repository
Dustin Kirkland
- Announcing the Ubuntu Manpage Repository
Dustin Kirkland
- Announcing the Ubuntu Manpage Repository
Dustin Kirkland
- Announcing the Ubuntu Manpage Repository
Dustin Kirkland
- Announcing the Ubuntu Manpage Repository
Dustin Kirkland
- Packages in Main/Universe I'm not allowed to modify ...
Dustin Kirkland
- call for testing usb-creator
Dustin Kirkland
- ArchiveReorganisation and sponsoring
Scott Kitterman
- ArchiveReorganisation and sponsoring
Scott Kitterman
- ArchiveReorganisation and sponsoring
Scott Kitterman
- Distributed Development toolset [was: Re: ArchiveReorganisation and sponsoring]
Scott Kitterman
- Distributed Development toolset [was: Re: ArchiveReorganisation and sponsoring]
Scott Kitterman
- motu-release will revert libgems-ruby to the old state.
Scott Kitterman
- Minutes of motu-release meeting, Friday 29th August, 11.00 UTC.
Scott Kitterman
- Minutes of motu-release meeting, Friday 29th August, 11.00 UTC.
Scott Kitterman
- Minutes of motu-release meeting, Friday 29th August, 11.00 UTC.
Scott Kitterman
- Server Team 20080902 meeting minutes
Scott Kitterman
- Minutes of motu-release meeting, Friday 29th August, 11.00 UTC.
Scott Kitterman
- Resolving conflict in technical debates in an ideal world
Scott Kitterman
- Distributed development toolset (Re: ArchiveReorganisation and sponsoring)
Scott Kitterman
- xorg.conf file validator
Scott Kitterman
- motu-release will revert libgems-ruby to the old state.
Scott Kitterman
- Packages in Main/Universe I'm not allowed to modify ...
Scott Kitterman
- Packages in Main/Universe I'm not allowed to modify ...
Scott Kitterman
- Packages in Main/Universe I'm not allowed to modify ...
Scott Kitterman
- Packages in Main/Universe I'm not allowed to modify ...
Scott Kitterman
- Possible solutions to improve rubygems for intrepid
Scott Kitterman
- ubuntu-core-dev PPA?
Scott Kitterman
- ubuntu-core-dev PPA?
Scott Kitterman
- autoremoval of deps for some metapackage section packages
Scott Kitterman
- Ubuntu Policy: prefixes for multiples of units
Scott Kitterman
- Ebox status (was Re: Server Team 20080923 meeting minutes)
Scott Kitterman
- gcc installaton broken on some intrepid buildds
Matthias Klose
- gcc installaton broken on some intrepid buildds
Matthias Klose
- Ubuntu for seniors
Christian Kreutzmann
- [RFC] Enabling kerneloops in default install
Amit Kucheria
- [RFC] Enabling kerneloops in default install
Amit Kucheria
- Resolving conflict in technical debates in an ideal world
Luke L
- ufw package integration
Luke L
- Ubuntu Policy: prefixes for multiples of units
Luke L
- motu-release will revert libgems-ruby to the old state.
Steve Langasek
- motu-release will revert libgems-ruby to the old state.
Steve Langasek
- Distributed development toolset (Re: ArchiveReorganisation and sponsoring)
Steve Langasek
- ufw package integration
Steve Langasek
- NVIDIA drivers moved to the DVD images
Steve Langasek
- NVIDIA drivers moved to the DVD images
Steve Langasek
- NVIDIA drivers moved to the DVD images
Steve Langasek
- Announcing the Ubuntu Manpage Repository
Steve Langasek
- Release Team 20080808 meeting minutes
Steve Langasek
- Release Team 20080829 meeting minutes
Steve Langasek
- uswsusp or not?
Steve Langasek
- uswsusp or not?
Steve Langasek
- uswsusp or not?
Steve Langasek
- Ubuntu Policy: prefixes for multiples of units
- Resolving conflict in technical debates in an ideal world
Stefan Lesicnik
- Resolving conflict in technical debates in an ideal world
Krzysztof Lichota
- NVIDIA drivers moved to the DVD images
Krzysztof Lichota
- Ubuntu Policy: prefixes for multiples of units
- autoremoval of deps for some metapackage section packages
Jordan Mantha
- ufw package integration
Chris Martin
- Announcing the Ubuntu Manpage Repository
Andrew Mathenge
- Ubuntu Policy: prefixes for multiples of units
Neal McBurnett
- Ubuntu Policy: prefixes for multiples of units
Neal McBurnett
- Ubuntu Policy: prefixes for multiples of units
Neal McBurnett
- [RFC] Inclusion of RT2860 driver
Adam McDaniel
- [RFC] Inclusion of RT2860 driver
Adam McDaniel
- NVIDIA drivers moved to the DVD images
Alberto Milone
- motu-release will revert libgems-ruby to the old state.
Loïc Minier
- motu-release will revert libgems-ruby to the old state.
Loïc Minier
- motu-release will revert libgems-ruby to the old state.
Loïc Minier
- motu-release will revert libgems-ruby to the old state.
Loïc Minier
- Foundations team meeting minutes, 2008-09-03
Loïc Minier
- Foundations team meeting minutes, 2008-09-03
Loïc Minier
- motu-release will revert libgems-ruby to the old state.
Loïc Minier
- [RFC] Weekly Kernel Team IRC Meeting Time & Format Change
Loïc Minier
- Ubuntu Policy: prefixes for multiples of units
Loïc Minier
- Minutes of motu-release meeting, Friday 29th August, 11.00 UTC.
Emilio Pozuelo Monfort
- Minutes of motu-release meeting, Friday 29th August, 11.00 UTC.
Emilio Pozuelo Monfort
- Devid Antonio Filoni (devfil) now is a MOTU
Emilio Pozuelo Monfort
- New upstream releases freeze exception (was: Re: Minutes of motu-release meeting, Friday 29th August, 11.00 UTC.)
Emilio Pozuelo Monfort
- ubuntu-core-dev PPA?
Emilio Pozuelo Monfort
- email format change : upload notifications
Emilio Pozuelo Monfort
- email format change : upload notifications
Emilio Pozuelo Monfort
- Please exercise more care (testing packages both build and install)
Emilio Pozuelo Monfort
- xorg.conf file validator
Brian Murray
- motu-release will revert libgems-ruby to the old state.
Lucas Nussbaum
- Resolving conflict in technical debates in an ideal world
Lucas Nussbaum
- motu-release will revert libgems-ruby to the old state.
Lucas Nussbaum
- Resolving conflict in technical debates in an ideal world
Lucas Nussbaum
- Possible solutions to improve rubygems for intrepid
Lucas Nussbaum
- Ubuntu Package Status Pages
Leann Ogasawara
- Ubuntu Package Status Pages
Leann Ogasawara
- Regression tracking
Henrik Nilsen Omma
- Intrepid beta ISO testing
Henrik Nilsen Omma
- NVIDIA drivers moved to the DVD images
Vadim Peretokin
- PulseAudio 0.9.11 available, call for testing.
Ernst Persson
- Resolving conflict in technical debates in an ideal world
Raphaël Pinson
- Resolving conflict in technical debates in an ideal world
Raphaël Pinson
- Minutes of motu-release meeting, Friday 29th August, 11.00 UTC.
Martin Pitt
- Intrepid seed tidying
Martin Pitt
- wireless-tools/wpasupplicant in minimal seed
Martin Pitt
- NVIDIA drivers moved to the DVD images
Martin Pitt
- NVIDIA drivers moved to the DVD images
Martin Pitt
- weekly status reports [was: Foundations team meeting minutes, 2008-09-03]
Martin Pitt
- [dm-crypt] Re: [Bug 267192] [NEW] Misleading cryptsetup error message [PATCH]
Martin Pitt
- email format change : upload notifications
Martin Pitt
- Ubuntu Policy: prefixes for multiples of units
Martin Pitt
- Ubuntu Policy: prefixes for multiples of units
Martin Pitt
- Ubuntu Policy: prefixes for multiples of units
Martin Pitt
- Ubuntu Policy: prefixes for multiples of units
Martin Pitt
- Ubuntu Policy: prefixes for multiples of units
Martin Pitt
- motu-release will revert libgems-ruby to the old state.
Stefan Potyra
- motu-release will revert libgems-ruby to the old state.
Stefan Potyra
- Minutes of motu-release meeting, Friday 29th August, 11.00 UTC.
Stefan Potyra
- Minutes of motu-release meeting, Friday 29th August, 11.00 UTC.
Stefan Potyra
- ubuntu-core-dev PPA?
Stefan Potyra
- Ubuntu Policy: prefixes for multiples of units
Scott James Remnant
- Ubuntu Policy: prefixes for multiples of units
Scott James Remnant
- Desktop Team Meeting, 2008-09-25
Scott James Remnant
- Packages in Main/Universe I'm not allowed to modify ...
Scott Ritchie
- Call to developers: please update the brainstorm "in development" ideas (list inside)
Scott Ritchie
- Please put wine-gecko into multiverse
Scott Ritchie
- ufw package integration
Didier Roche
- ufw package integration
Didier Roche
- Ubuntu Policy: prefixes for multiples of units
Didier Roche
- Packages in Main/Universe I'm not allowed to modify ...
Alexander Sack
- Announcing the Ubuntu Manpage Repository
Thilo Six
- ufw package integration
Cody A.W. Somerville
- browser startpage - removing /etc/alternatives/firefox-homepage
Cody A.W. Somerville
- browser startpage - removing /etc/alternatives/firefox-homepage
Cody A.W. Somerville
- gspca webcams (video4linux)
Wouter Stomp
- ufw package integration
Jamie Strandboge
- ufw package integration
Jamie Strandboge
- ufw package integration
Jamie Strandboge
- [ubuntu-hardened] ufw package integration
Jamie Strandboge
- NVIDIA drivers moved to the DVD images
- Respecting the Host Protected Area
Phillip Susi
- [RFC] Enabling kerneloops in default install
- BZR checkout speed
Reinhard Tartler
- [Bug 267192] [NEW] Misleading cryptsetup error message
Reinhard Tartler
- Packages in Main/Universe I'm not allowed to modify ...
Reinhard Tartler
- autoremoval of deps for some metapackage section packages
Reinhard Tartler
- Gem installation in Ubuntu/Debian (Was: motu-release will revert libgems-ruby to the old state)
Cesare Tirabassi
- Minutes of motu-release meeting, Friday 29th August, 11.00 UTC.
Cesare Tirabassi
- ufw package integration
Nicolas Valcárcel
- James Westby (james_w) is a MOTU
Nicolas Valcárcel
- ArchiveReorganisation and sponsoring
Colin Watson
- ArchiveReorganisation and sponsoring
Colin Watson
- Ubuntu Policy Manual
Colin Watson
- Ubuntu Policy Manual
Colin Watson
- Ubuntu Policy Manual
Colin Watson
- ArchiveReorganisation and sponsoring
Colin Watson
- Intrepid seed tidying
Colin Watson
- wireless-tools/wpasupplicant in minimal seed
Colin Watson
- Intrepid seed tidying
Colin Watson
- ArchiveReorganisation and sponsoring
Colin Watson
- Distributed development toolset (Re: ArchiveReorganisation and sponsoring)
Colin Watson
- Distributed development toolset (Re: ArchiveReorganisation and sponsoring)
Colin Watson
- Distributed development toolset (Re: ArchiveReorganisation and sponsoring)
Colin Watson
- wireless-tools/wpasupplicant in minimal seed
Colin Watson
- Foundations team meeting minutes, 2008-09-03
Colin Watson
- NVIDIA drivers moved to the DVD images
Colin Watson
- [Bug 267192] [NEW] Misleading cryptsetup error message
Colin Watson
- Foundations team meeting minutes, 2008-09-10
Colin Watson
- ~ubuntu-core-dev/casper/trunk branch fixed; repair instructions
Colin Watson
- Revert GtkAdjustment clamping change?
Colin Watson
- Revert GtkAdjustment clamping change?
Colin Watson
- ubuntu-core-dev PPA?
Colin Watson
- ubuntu-core-dev PPA?
Colin Watson
- ubuntu-core-dev PPA?
Colin Watson
- ubuntu-core-dev PPA?
Colin Watson
- ubuntu-core-dev PPA?
Colin Watson
- autoremoval of deps for some metapackage section packages
Colin Watson
- autoremoval of deps for some metapackage section packages
Colin Watson
- Totem BBC plugin
Colin Watson
- email format change : upload notifications
Colin Watson
- email format change : upload notifications
Colin Watson
- Strange wiki categorisation
Colin Watson
- email format change : upload notifications
Colin Watson
- Totem BBC plugin
Colin Watson
- Ubuntu Policy: prefixes for multiples of units
Colin Watson
- Totem BBC plugin
Colin Watson
- ArchiveReorganisation and sponsoring
James Westby
- ArchiveReorganisation and sponsoring
James Westby
- BZR checkout speed (Was: ArchiveReorganisation and sponsoring)
James Westby
- ArchiveReorganisation and sponsoring
James Westby
- Resolving conflict in technical debates in an ideal world
James Westby
- Resolving conflict in technical debates in an ideal world
James Westby
- Revert GtkAdjustment clamping change?
James Westby
- uswsusp or not?
James Westby
- uswsusp or not?
James Westby
- uswsusp or not?
James Westby
- uswsusp or not?
James Westby
- uswsusp or not?
James Westby
- blobandconquer: non-free
James Westby
- blobandconquer: non-free
James Westby
- Ubuntu Policy: prefixes for multiples of units
Thorsten Wilms
- USB installer (was Foundations team meeting minutes, 2008-09-03)
Lars Wirzenius
- ArchiveReorganisation and sponsoring
Philip Wyett
- ArchiveReorganisation and sponsoring
Philip Wyett
- ArchiveReorganisation and sponsoring
Philip Wyett
- Serious e1000e driver issue on Intrepid
Rafael J. Wysocki
- PulseAudio 0.9.11 available, call for testing.
Luke Yelavich
- Distributed Development toolset [was: Re: ArchiveReorganisation and sponsoring]
Matt Zimmerman
- Intrepid seed tidying
Matt Zimmerman
- Moving w3m out of standard
Matt Zimmerman
- Distributed Development toolset [was: Re: ArchiveReorganisation and sponsoring]
Matt Zimmerman
- Distributed Development toolset [was: Re: ArchiveReorganisation and sponsoring]
Matt Zimmerman
- wireless-tools/wpasupplicant in minimal seed
Matt Zimmerman
- AutoFsck inclusion criteria
Matt Zimmerman
- Distributed development toolset (Re: ArchiveReorganisation and sponsoring)
Matt Zimmerman
- Please check build logs for format security warnings
Matt Zimmerman
- xorg.conf file validator
Matt Zimmerman
- Ubuntu Package Status Pages
Matt Zimmerman
- wireless-tools/wpasupplicant in minimal seed
Matt Zimmerman
- xorg.conf file validator
Matt Zimmerman
- NVIDIA drivers moved to the DVD images
Matt Zimmerman
- NVIDIA drivers moved to the DVD images
Matt Zimmerman
- USB installer (was Foundations team meeting minutes, 2008-09-03)
Matt Zimmerman
- NVIDIA drivers moved to the DVD images
Matt Zimmerman
- NVIDIA drivers moved to the DVD images
Matt Zimmerman
- [RFC] Enabling kerneloops in default install
Matt Zimmerman
- [RFC] Inclusion of RT2860 driver
Matt Zimmerman
- [RFC] Inclusion of RT2860 driver
Matt Zimmerman
- [RFC] Inclusion of RT2860 driver
Matt Zimmerman
- [RFC] Enabling kerneloops in default install
Matt Zimmerman
- Totem BBC plugin
Matt Zimmerman
- Install Ubuntu from USB flash
Matt Zimmerman
- Warning: sukablad at - User unknown!
MDaemon at
Last message date:
Tue Sep 30 13:24:26 BST 2008
Archived on: Tue Sep 30 13:26:05 BST 2008
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).