Server Team 20080909 meeting minutes

Mathias Gug mathiaz at
Fri Sep 12 20:37:30 BST 2008


Here are the minutes of the meeting. They can also be found online with        
the irc logs here:        

==== Ubuntu VM builder ====

soren is working on a bug in parted. Once the fix is uploaded he plans to
write up a blog post detailing the new vm-builder.

nijaba started to write a tutorial about vm-builder. It's based on the JeOS
tutorial. A draft[1] is available.

ACTION: soren to write a blog post about vm-builder once it's available in the

ACTION: nijaba to write a tutorial on vm-builder [1].

ACTION: sommer to update the virtualization section of the server guide with
references to the new ubuntu-vm-builder


==== Review ServerGuide for Intrepid ====

jdstrand made a review of the firewall and ufw section of the Ubuntu Server
Guide. sommer reminded that the String Freeze for the Documentation Team is
October, the 2nd. mathiaz added that UIFreeze[2] is in effect. Reviewing the
server guide and making sure that the command lines, configuration files and
other examples are up-to-date with regard to the changes in Intrepid is very

ACTION: mathiaz to review the ldap section of the server guide

ACTION: kirkland to review the RAID section of the server guide


==== Boot Support for Degraded RAID ====

kirland stated that most of the bugs have been fixed. More widespread testing
is welcomed. The last thing to implement is to add a debconf question in the
installer asking for what behavior is wanted (BOOT_DEGRADED=true|false).

ACTION: kirkland to write another blog post asking for raid testing

ACTION: kirkland to add a question to the installer about the default behavior

==== Ubuntu Manpage Repository ====

kirkland announced officially the existence of the Ubuntu Manpage
Repository[3]. Initial response has been great so far. He asked for help for a
couple of tasks: adding support for the online repository to the man command
and improving the search engine. These tasks will added to the Ubuntu Manpage
Repository[3] tracking the progress of this project.


==== Encrypted ~/Private Directory in Each User's Home ====

cjwatson added a debconf question to the alternate installer. mathiaz raised
the question whether this was useful in the server install. Further discussion
about this issue was deferred.

nxvl asked about end users upgrading from hardy. mathiaz replied that the
default install in intrepid won't have a Private/ directory setup by default
so upgrades from hardy shouldn't setup Private/ directory either.

==== Tomcat6 server stack support ====

Koon stated that the two remaining issues in Java dependencies had been fixed,
bringing the total dep count from 87 packages down to a more reasonable 27
packages. There are still a couple of deps that could be removed (gcj
recommends) but that should rather be in intrepid+1.

Koon started to look into the tomcat5.5 package. He's focusing on porting
relevant bug fixes from the tomcat6 package.

ACTION: mathiaz to review Koon patch wrt to FF exception.

==== landscape-client in Ubuntu ====

dendrobates announced that landscape-client had been uploaded to the archive.
It should be included in the next alpha. The output of landscape-sysinfo will
be included in motd.

ACTION:  mathiaz to write a blog post about landscape in intrepid.

==== Agree on next meeting date and time ====

Next meeting will be on Tuesday, September 16th at 15:00 UTC in #ubuntu-

Mathias Gug
Ubuntu Developer

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