March 2008 Archives by author
Starting: Sat Mar 1 17:35:05 GMT 2008
Ending: Mon Mar 31 20:01:39 BST 2008
Messages: 179
- Advice on a good LTSP switch
Jonathan Carter (highvoltage)
- World Maths Day
- flash slow
Robert Arkiletian
- 3D Game Design Tool for Kids Platinum Arts Sandbox Updated
Platinum Arts
- Stripped-Down 7.04
David Van Assche
- creating fat 'thin' clients with ltsp new problem
David Van Assche
- creating fat 'thin' clients with ltsp new problem
David Van Assche
- terminals randomly disconnecting
David Van Assche
- low fat clients - 2 issues
David Van Assche
- Thin client login screen problem
David Van Assche
- Changing Jobs, email changing as well
David Van Assche
- New thin client Edubuntu lab
Charles Austin
- Static IP for some of my thin clients
Charles Austin
- terminals randomly disconnecting
Charles Austin
- backup&synchronizing service on ubuntu 7.10
Charles Austin
- running edubuntu as a virtual server
Clinton Blackmore
- Static IP for some of my thin clients
René Van den Broeck
- Edubuntu install won't completely boot up
Thomas Christy
- Parental control & whitelisting in a classroom
Sergio Dicandia
- Firefox 3 memory usage
Richard Doyle
- Sabayon not working in Hardy
Richard Doyle
- Parental control & whitelisting in a classroom
Gerald Drouillard
- About HP T5000 on Edubuntu 7.10 and Hardy 8.04
Gerald Drouillard
- About HP T5000 on Edubuntu 7.10 and Hardy 8.04
Gerald Drouillard
- About HP T5000 on Edubuntu 7.10 and Hardy 8.04
Gerald Drouillard
- QEMU or PearPC
Olle Englund
- Notification of Change in Personal Email Address (was: edubuntu-users Digest, Vol 22, Issue 38)
Steve Evans
- New thin client Edubuntu lab
Uwe Geercken
- flash slow
Uwe Geercken
- backup&synchronizing service on ubuntu 7.10
Uwe Geercken
- Remote shut down and Firefox
Oliver Grawert
- Looking for Case Studies
Alexander Hanff
- Do you have any disused Thin Clients we can recycle? [UK]
Alexander Hanff
- Looking for Case Studies
Joseph Hartman
- Advice on a good LTSP switch
Joseph Hartman
- flash slow
Joseph Hartman
- flash slow
Joseph Hartman
- running edubuntu as a virtual server
Daniel Hunt
- running edubuntu as a virtual server
Daniel Hunt
- Advice on a good LTSP switch
Daniel Hunt
- Remote shut down and Firefox
- Linux apps vs Windows apps (was Stripped-Down 7.04)
Kemp, Levi
- Linux apps vs Windows apps (was Stripped-Down 7.04)
Kemp, Levi
- Hardy Alpha 5 AMD64
Asmo Koskinen
- Howto Install Hardy
Asmo Koskinen
- Hardy Alpha 5 x86
Asmo Koskinen
- Hardy Alpha 5 AMD64
Asmo Koskinen
- Static IP for some of my thin clients
Asmo Koskinen
- Excessive SSH Tunnel/Traffic
Asmo Koskinen
- Hardy Alternate Beta x86_64
Asmo Koskinen
- Hardy Alternate Beta x86_64
Asmo Koskinen
- Parental control & whitelisting in a classroom
Asmo Koskinen
- About HP T5000 on Edubuntu 7.10 and Hardy 8.04
Asmo Koskinen
- About HP T5000 on Edubuntu 7.10 and Hardy 8.04
Asmo Koskinen
- About HP T5000 on Edubuntu 7.10 and Hardy 8.04
Asmo Koskinen
- About HP T5000 on Edubuntu 7.10 and Hardy 8.04
Asmo Koskinen
- About HP T5000 on Edubuntu 7.10 and Hardy 8.04
Asmo Koskinen
- About HP T5000 on Edubuntu 7.10 and Hardy 8.04
Asmo Koskinen
- ltsp-build client getting stuck
Asmo Koskinen
- Resuming ltsp-build-client
Asmo Koskinen
- ltsp-build client getting stuck
Asmo Koskinen
- About HP T5000 on Edubuntu 7.10 and Hardy 8.04
Asmo Koskinen
- About HP T5000 on Edubuntu 7.10 and Hardy 8.04
Asmo Koskinen
- About HP T5000 on Edubuntu 7.10 and Hardy 8.04
Asmo Koskinen
- About HP T5000 on Edubuntu 7.10 and Hardy 8.04
Asmo Koskinen
- eth1: too many iterations (6) in nv_nic_irq
Jim Kronebusch
- eth1: too many iterations (6) in nv_nic_irq
Jim Kronebusch
- Fwd: smbldap on Hardy
Jim Kronebusch
- running edubuntu as a virtual server
Jim Kronebusch
- Disable Module from xorg.conf via lts.conf
Jim Kronebusch
- Disable Module from xorg.conf via lts.conf
Jim Kronebusch
- Disable Module from xorg.conf via lts.conf
Jim Kronebusch
- Excessive SSH Tunnel/Traffic
Jim Kronebusch
- Excessive SSH Tunnel/Traffic
Jim Kronebusch
- Excessive SSH Tunnel/Traffic
Jim Kronebusch
- Advice on a good LTSP switch
Jim Kronebusch
- Changing Jobs, email changing as well
Jim Kronebusch
- Open Office Dfault File Saving formats
Anthony Luscre
- flash videos on Hardy
Madzsar, Andrew
- running edubuntu as a virtual server
Madzsar, Andrew
- running edubuntu as a virtual server
Madzsar, Andrew
- Sabayon not working in Hardy
Jordan Mantha
- ``/boot/nbi.img-2.6.22-14-386'':File exists
- Remote shut down and Firefox
- logout
Gavin McCullagh
- Stripped-Down 7.04
Gavin McCullagh
- Linux apps vs Windows apps (was Stripped-Down 7.04)
Gavin McCullagh
- flash videos on Hardy
Gavin McCullagh
- sound from thin clients playing on server speakers
Gavin McCullagh
- sound from thin clients playing on server speakers
Gavin McCullagh
- [Ltsp-discuss] Firefox, OpenOffice pixmap crash issue update?
Gavin McCullagh
- Excessive SSH Tunnel/Traffic
Gavin McCullagh
- Advice on a good LTSP switch
Gavin McCullagh
- texlive latex base failed to download
Gavin McCullagh
- flash slow
Gavin McCullagh
- flash slow
Gavin McCullagh
- edubuntu not connecting to internet
Gavin McCullagh
- how to create span partition in ubuntu
Denis Melnikov
- Directing sound to a specific user with Pulse
Bill Moseley
- About HP T5000 on Edubuntu 7.10 and Hardy 8.04
Dean Mumby
- Open Office Dfault File Saving formats
- Thin client login screen problem
Jeroen Peters
- Thin client login screen problem
Jeroen Peters
- Looking for Case Studies
Greg Reagle
- flash videos on Hardy
Greg Reagle
- any good tools for imposing print qoutas under edubuntu/Linux?
Greg Reagle
- auto logoff
Greg Reagle
- Static IP for some of my thin clients
Nicolas Roussi
- ``/boot/nbi.img-2.6.22-14-386'':File exists
Nicolas Roussi
- OpenRating: rating system for free games
Miriam Ruiz
- Ubuntu and wireless
Mon Sagullo
- texlive latex base failed to download
Maning Sambale
- Question
Daniel J. Summers
- Parental control & whitelisting in a classroom
Harry Sweet
- auto logoff
Craig E. Szymanski
- New thin client Edubuntu lab
Barb Tabor
- Excessive SSH Tunnel/Traffic
Sameer Verma
- Excessive SSH Tunnel/Traffic
Sameer Verma
- Advice on a good LTSP switch
Sameer Verma
- Recovery Mode - Reinstall package
Mike White
- Recovery Mode - Reinstall package
Mike White
- flash slow
Mike White
- flash slow
Mike White
- edubuntu not connecting to internet
David Willmot
- auto logoff
Bob Wooden
- auto logoff
Bob Wooden
- Excessive SSH Tunnel/Traffic
Steve Wu
- Open Office Dfault File Saving formats
Kai Wüstermann
- cannot use swap after gutsy upgrade
Kai Wüstermann
- how to remote and voice chat with windows
Hamed alSuhli
- how to create span partition in ubuntu
Hamed alSuhli
- backup&synchronizing service on ubuntu 7.10
Hamed alSuhli
- No subject
that1tyguy at
- Question
that1tyguy at
- flash videos on Hardy
asmo.koskinen at
- Howto Install Hardy
Krsnendu dasa
- Howto Install Hardy
Krsnendu dasa
- Fwd: smbldap on Hardy
Krsnendu dasa
- Fwd: smbldap on Hardy
Krsnendu dasa
- Client boot problem - Hardy
Krsnendu dasa
- sudo from thin client not working
Krsnendu dasa
- Fwd: smbldap on Hardy
Krsnendu dasa
- flash videos on Hardy
Krsnendu dasa
- smbldap-tools + authentication for ltsp - which groups make a Admin
Krsnendu dasa
- flash videos on Hardy
Krsnendu dasa
- Latest Flash 9,0,115,0 : slow in ltsp
Krsnendu dasa
- terminals randomly disconnecting
Krsnendu dasa
- samba problem in Hardy
Krsnendu dasa
- Linux guru in New Zealand
Krsnendu dasa
- Accessing LVM on Software RAID1 from another machine
Krsnendu dasa
- ltsp-build client getting stuck
Krsnendu dasa
- Resuming ltsp-build-client
Krsnendu dasa
- Sabayon not working in Hardy
Krsnendu dasa
- sound from thin clients playing on server speakers
- sound from thin clients playing on server speakers
- sound from thin clients playing on server speakers
- Parental control & whitelisting in a classroom
- Parental control & whitelisting in a classroom
- Parental control & whitelisting in a classroom
antonello facchetti
- New thin client Edubuntu lab
- New thin client Edubuntu lab
uwe geercken
- eth1: too many iterations (6) in nv_nic_irq
- eth1: too many iterations (6) in nv_nic_irq
- Thin Clients freezing in Firefox
- eth1: too many iterations (6) in nv_nic_irq
- eth1: too many iterations (6) in nv_nic_irq
- any good tools for imposing print qoutas under edubuntu/Linux?
- any good tools for imposing print qoutas under edubuntu/Linux?
- Source Code
- howto force ltsp password change from Active Directory?
- SOLVED: howto force ltsp password change from Active Directory?
- Open Office Dfault File Saving formats
- texlive latex base failed to download
maning sambale
- texlive latex base failed to download
maning sambale
- cannot use swap after gutsy upgrade
maning sambale
- cannot use swap after gutsy upgrade
maning sambale
- creating fat 'thin' clients with ltsp
ugh ugher
- creating fat 'thin' clients with ltsp new problem
ugh ugher
- creating fat 'thin' clients with ltsp new problem
ugh ugher
Last message date:
Mon Mar 31 20:01:39 BST 2008
Archived on: Mon Mar 31 20:02:06 BST 2008
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Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).