eth1: too many iterations (6) in nv_nic_irq

john lists.john at
Wed Mar 5 00:11:02 GMT 2008

Thanks Jim et al.

I saw that bug report when I was googling around. It seems to fit my
situation pretty closely, AMD processors, 64 bits, lots of traffic on
the LTSP facing interface, NVIDIA controller on the onboard NIC. It
looks like this problem is mended in the alpha2 kernel for Hardy Heron
but that "Hardly Helps"  :->  since I am afraid to move away from
Edubuntu 7.04 and the" linux-image-server" kernel (which I installed
to support <4G memory).

 Right now I am running   2.6.20-16-server. How do I go about
reporting to the maintainer of _that_ kernel? Or do I just need to
file a general bug report somewhere? I've never done that before so
I'd appreciate any advice you could give me.

Thanks again for the response.


On Mon, Mar 3, 2008 at 6:16 PM, Jim Kronebusch <jim at> wrote:
> On Mon, 3 Mar 2008 16:12:47 -0800, john wrote
> > Hi all,
>  >
>  > I sent this as a reply to an old topic about firefox, but I decided
>  > since this is not a firefox question, I'd send
>  > it again with a  more pertinent subject line.
>  >
>  > Problem:
>  >
>  > Recently we've had our edubuntu server become unresponive when we have
>  > 20 or so users on it. We are running a two dual cores and 8 gigs of
>  > ram so I don't think the CPU or memory is the problem.
>  >
>  > When I look at syslog or do dmesg I  see "eth1: too many iterations
>  > (6) in nv_nic_irq." these are typically the last messages logged right
>  > before my server locks up and needs a hard reboot.
>  > I see folks ran into this problem last August.
>  >
>  >  I was wondering if jbarry (the person who first reported this
>  > problem) ended up merely replacing the nics or did anyone  go with
>  > creating a file called  "/etc/modprobe.d/forcedeth" and putting
>  > "options forcedeth max_interrupt_work=10" in it. Did it work?
>  >
>  >  I am trying to decide which
>  > course to take and I'd appreciate any ideas folks could give me.
>  Read this thread, long read but it might give you some insight:
>  It looks like they are attributing this all to a problem between kernel versions and
>  certain motherboards.
>  Jim
>  --
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