Linux apps vs Windows apps (was Stripped-Down 7.04)
Kemp, Levi
lnkemp at
Mon Mar 3 14:32:12 GMT 2008
> -----Original Message-----
> From: edubuntu-users-bounces at
> [mailto:edubuntu-users-bounces at] On Behalf Of
> Gavin McCullagh
> Sent: Saturday, March 01, 2008 12:11 PM
> To: edubuntu-users at
> Subject: Re: Stripped-Down 7.04
> Hi,
> On Fri, 29 Feb 2008, Jim Kronebusch wrote:
> > On Thu, 28 Feb 2008 09:41:52 -0800, Mike White wrote
> > > I'll be short. What is the near-most stripped down
> configuration I
> > > can give Edubuntu 7.04?
> > > I am only using Edubuntu to PXE boot into MS Terminal
> Service 2003,
> > > so I only need the Terminal Server Client program and sometimes
> > > Mozilla Firefox. I don't need games, printing services, nor
> > > development programs, etc.
> One approach woukd be to install the server edition and then
> install the ltsp packages for the client, openssh-server, gnome-rdp.
> Does rdesktop run on the server or have you installed it into
> the client chroot? If it runs on the server, you're sending traffic
> windows <-> edubuntu server <-> thin client
> whereas if you installed rdesktop straight into the chroot,
> you could have rdesktop run on the thin client and directly
> contact the windows server:
> windows <-> thin client
> which would likely a bit better. LTSP kiosks do this, but
> run firefox on the thin client instead of rdesktop.
> Installing rdesktop on the client and having it run
> automatically should be easy enough on 7.04 actually. We do
> this to provide web terminals without accounts on the server.
> > > I have already uninstalled Evolution, Thunderbird,
> Openoffice, and
> > > some games. I did this just out of maintenance and noticed the
> > > general speed of the clients is MUCH faster. I'd like to go
> > > supersonic if possible. =)
> I've got to say, that makes very little sense to me. If the
> programs are sitting idle on the server disk, removing them
> may save disk space, but it won't save any RAM or cpu so
> there's no real reason this would make anything faster.
> "Installing programs slows down your computer" is an old
> windows wives tale. It has some truth on windows (where
> programs like winzip, office, realplayer, etc. frequently
> autostart in the background and several filesystems have
> severe fragmentation issues), but it really shouldn't be true
> on linux in general.
> Come to think of it, evolution does autostart some calendar
> component by default so perhaps that's an exception and
> explains your speed gains.
> Removing most programs should make little or no difference though.
> A small word of warning though. Upgrades can occasionally be
> a little troublesome where you break from the standard
> package (ie you uninstalled the edubuntu-desktop meta-package
> if you removed evolution).
> > Ubuntu JeOS might be what you are looking for.
> Maybe, though I'm not sure how well it works in
> non-virtualised environments.
> "JeOS is a specialized installation of Ubuntu Server
> Edition with a tuned
> kernel that only contains the base elements needed to run within a
> virtualized environment."
> just sort of sounds like it might be missing components
> needed on real hardware.
> Gavin
> --
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I've never even considered this since I started using Linux, but
as far as installing apps goes since they obviously don't slow the
system down unless in use what about defragmentation. I realize the file
system is different, and I read that it is a journal file system. Does
that mean it organizes itself to prevent fragmentation, or am I missing
a needed bit of maintenance? A bit off topic I know but you spurred my
mind this morning.
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