auto logoff

Greg Reagle greagle at
Tue Mar 18 21:17:57 GMT 2008

To execute an arbitrary set of commands at a certain time, you could use
"at now + 1 minute" or "at now + 2 hours" or "at noon" and so forth (man
at).  Then at prompts you for what command to run.  I don't know what
command would work to exit a GNOME session.  "exit" and "logoff" are
shell built-ins, so they won't work.

Can someone complete the script with a command to log out of GNOME?

greg reagle | computer technician, system administrator | community it
innovators - CITI | 202-234-1600 ext. 353

> -----Original Message-----
> From: edubuntu-users-bounces at [mailto:edubuntu-users-
> bounces at] On Behalf Of Bob Wooden
> Sent: Tuesday, March 18, 2008 4:30 PM
> To: Edubuntu-users list; ltsp-discuss at
> Subject: auto logoff
> I have been in search of a program or a script that will logoff users
> after a pre-determined period of in-activity..  Anyone had any
> experience with this?
> --
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