Linux apps vs Windows apps (was Stripped-Down 7.04)

Kemp, Levi lnkemp at
Tue Mar 4 16:05:18 GMT 2008

-----Original Message-----
From: edubuntu-users-bounces at on behalf of Gavin McCullagh
Sent: Mon 3/3/2008 9:49 AM
To: edubuntu-users at
Subject: Re: Linux apps vs Windows apps (was Stripped-Down 7.04)

On Mon, 03 Mar 2008, Kemp, Levi wrote:

> I've never even considered this since I started using Linux, but as far
> as installing apps goes since they obviously don't slow the system down
> unless in use what about defragmentation. 

The filesystems generally used on Linux don't usually suffer from

> I realize the file system is different, and I read that it is a journal
> file system. Does that mean it organizes itself to prevent fragmentation, 

Journaling means before writing changes to the filesystem, it writes
them to a journal in order that the if a power failure or other
interruption occurred mid-write, the server would be able to get the
filesystem back into a clean state, without doing an fsck (unix-speak for
chkdsk) and possibly losing data.

This isn't really directly relevant to the fragmentation issue though.

> or am I missing a needed bit of maintenance? A bit off topic I know but
> you spurred my mind this morning.

In general, there's little need for defragmenting on linux:


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Thanks, that's good to know.

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