
Daniel J. Summers daniel at
Fri Mar 21 22:48:31 GMT 2008

that1tyguy at wrote:
> What's the easiest way to totally wipe out a HardDrive with Edubuntu 
> by deleting all partitions even the partition with Edubuntu so I can 
> reinstall it on the one hard drive so I have more space?
In the installer, tell it to use the entire drive, not just free space 
or an existing partition.  It's been quite a while since I did an 
install, but if I remember correctly, it's one of the first prompts 
you'll get.  If you want to wipe it out first, just boot off a live CD 
and kill it from there.  :)

Daniel J. Summers
Owner, DJS Consulting
E-mail - 	daniel at <mailto:daniel at>
Website - <>
Technology Blog -

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