any good tools for imposing print qoutas under edubuntu/Linux?

john lists.john at
Sat Mar 8 01:16:07 GMT 2008

Hi Andrew,

I'm not using openldap at all. I am using winbind/SAMBA and ridmapping
to pull records directly from Active Directory. I am wondering if I
can use samba to point to smb printers elsewhere since samba/winbind
is already passing my credentials to windows? It would be sort of a
weird setup I'd share the printers via an entry in smb.conf but those
entries would actually point at printers running on a windows
printserver. Just a thought, anyone encountered/done something like


On Fri, Mar 7, 2008 at 9:37 AM, Madzsar, Andrew
<amadzsar at> wrote:
> Is your open ldap bound to the AD ldap?  If not then I don't think AD
>  will recognize users.
>  -----Original Message-----
>  From: edubuntu-users-bounces at
>  [mailto:edubuntu-users-bounces at] On Behalf Of john
>  Sent: Friday, March 07, 2008 12:31 PM
>  To: Edubuntu Users Group
>  Subject: any good tools for imposing print qoutas under edubuntu/Linux?
>  Hi all,
>  I need to limit printing for our labs using Edubuntu. I can already do
>  this for windows clients using a piece of sofware called "papercut
>  pro" but I haven't gotten smb printing to work well under edubuntu. (I
>  can't seem to pass the username of the user submitting the print job
>  to windows so AD won't let it print)
>  I see a project called Pykota, but it looks quite
>  complicated/sophisticated and a defunt project called printbill.
>  Apparently there is nothing in the repositories that I can try out.
>  What do other folks use?
>  John
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