December 2006 Archives by author
Starting: Fri Dec 1 03:51:50 GMT 2006
Ending: Sat Dec 30 21:09:52 GMT 2006
Messages: 173
- [archive at Accepted debian-installer 20061102ubuntu6 (source)]
Timo Aaltonen
- Can we use new gtk+ libraries over old distro?
Sebastien Bacher
- Concerns
Christofer C. Bell
- When the user fills up the hard drive
Oliver Brakmann
- CONFIG_PREEMPT for Feisty?
Jan Claeys
- Suspend2 isn't invasive.
Philippe Clérié
- Uprade path from LTS releases
Ben Collins
- apport for perl. (automated problem reporting for perl programs)
Robert Collins
- Maintainer fields for main/restricted
Adam Conrad
- [VAC] Dec 13th to Jan 05 -- Info Follows
Adam Conrad
- Multimedia Production Kernel spec
- Suspend2 isn't invasive.
Nigel Cunningham
- Suspend2 isn't invasive.
Nigel Cunningham
- Suspend2 isn't invasive.
Nigel Cunningham
- Suspend2 isn't invasive.
Nigel Cunningham
- Suspend2 isn't invasive.
Nigel Cunningham
- Suspend2 isn't invasive.
Nigel Cunningham
- Suspend2 isn't invasive.
Nigel Cunningham
- Suspend2 isn't invasive.
Nigel Cunningham
- Can we use new gtk+ libraries over old distro?
Zak B. Elep
- Feisty: Intel 945GM with xserver-xorg-video-intel, Problem with vga-out and resolution
Erling Ringen Elvsrud
- New feature: zeroconf networking by default, please test
Mikael Eriksson
- New feature: zeroconf networking by default, please test
Mikael Eriksson
- Suspend2 isn't invasive.
Hervé Fache
- Suspend2 isn't invasive.
Hervé Fache
- Specs created by me
Hubert Figuiere
- Non-free drivers (Re: Invitation to ubuntu developers)
Alien Technology French
- When the user fills up the hard drive
Francesco Fumanti
- When the user fills up the hard drive
Sivan Greenberg
- New feature: zeroconf networking by default, please test
Sivan Greenberg
- Can we use new gtk+ libraries over old distro?
Arwyn Hainsworth
- When the user fills up the hard drive
Sean Hammond
- When the user fills up the hard drive
Sean Hammond
- When the user fills up the hard drive
Sean Hammond
- When the user fills up the hard drive
Sean Hammond
- Concerns
Evan Hazlett
- Concerns
Evan Hazlett
- Edgy Daily Build (20061130)
Tollef Fog Heen
- Suspend2 isn't invasive.
Tollef Fog Heen
- Suspend2 isn't invasive.
Tollef Fog Heen
- Suspend2 isn't invasive.
Tollef Fog Heen
- Feisty: Intel 945GM with xserver-xorg-video-intel, Problem with vga-out and resolution
Sebastian Heinlein
- 'motureviewers' going out of business
Daniel Holbach
- Back port of 2.6.19's ecryptfs and SAS/SATA drivers to Daper and Edgy kernels?
Richard Houston
- X mouse acceleration patch
Bryan Hoyt
- Can we use new gtk+ libraries over old distro?
Alex Jones
- Can we use new gtk+ libraries over old distro?
Joel Bryan Juliano
- Information about /etc/host.conf
Dennis Kaarsemaker
- Changing the nature of bug reports
Jordan Kanter
- Non-free drivers (Re: Invitation to ubuntu developers)
Ante Karamatić
- Consolidate handling of ~/.xsession-errors
Johan Kiviniemi
- Consolidate handling of ~/.xsession-errors
Johan Kiviniemi
- requirements for sync requests (changelogs)
Matthias Klose
- Outstanding Merges
Matthias Klose
- Offtopic [embedded widgets]
Ivan Krstić
- [ubuntu-in] m17n-lib deb required
Suraj N. Kurapati
- [ubuntu-in] m17n-lib deb required
Suraj N. Kurapati
- [ubuntu-in] m17n-lib deb required
Suraj N. Kurapati
- Windows gods etc
Gianmarco Leone
- Windows gods etc
Gianmarco Leone
- Concerns
Krzysztof Lichota
- Concerns
Krzysztof Lichota
- Concerns
Krzysztof Lichota
- Maintainer fields for main/restricted
Trent Lloyd
- Maintainer fields for main/restricted
Trent Lloyd
- New feature: zeroconf networking by default, please test
Trent Lloyd
- Suspend2 isn't invasive.
Trent Lloyd
- New feature: zeroconf networking by default, please test
Samuel Maftoul
- Concerns
- Concerns
Jordan Mantha
- Non-free drivers (Re: Invitation to ubuntu developers)
- CONFIG_PREEMPT for Feisty?
Flavio Martins
- Bugs closed in Debian
Ubuntu Merge-o-Matic
- Information about /etc/host.conf
Sam Morris
- New feature: zeroconf networking by default, please test
Sam Morris
- CONFIG_PREEMPT for Feisty?
John Richard Moser
- Sparc netboot image
Fabio Massimo Di Nitto
- glibc hacking
Fabio Massimo Di Nitto
- Suspend2 isn't invasive.
Aren Olson
- The changing nature of bug reports
Henrik Nilsen Omma
- When the user fills up the hard drive
Bjoern Ottervik
- When the user fills up the hard drive
Vassilis Pandis
- Inclusion of Ice* packages?
Vassilis Pandis
- Non-free drivers (Re: Invitation to ubuntu developers)
Bjorn Paulson
- Non-free drivers (Re: Invitation to ubuntu developers)
Kevin Perros
- New feature: mount local file systems in Gnome, please test
Ernst Persson
- Uprade path from LTS releases
Roberto Piscitello
- Main Inclusion Review for: malaga, suomi-malaga, libvoikko, tmispell-voikko,
Martin Pitt
- Consolidate handling of ~/.xsession-errors
Martin Pitt
- requirements for sync requests (changelogs)
Martin Pitt
- New feature: mount local file systems in Gnome, please test
Martin Pitt
- Accepted update-notifier 0.50 (source)
Martin Pitt
- New feature: zeroconf networking by default, please test
Martin Pitt
- New feature: zeroconf networking by default, please test
Martin Pitt
- New feature: zeroconf networking by default, please test
Martin Pitt
- hoping for suspend2 support in feisty
Matt Price
- Suspend2 isn't invasive.
Matt Price
- Suspend2 isn't invasive.
Matt Price
- comprehensive location switcher?
Matt Price
- Suspend2 isn't invasive.
Matt Price
- Suspend2 isn't invasive.
Matt Price
- Suspend2 isn't invasive.
Matt Price
- should aptoncd be included in the CD?
David Prieto
- should aptoncd be included in the CD?
David Prieto
- New feature: zeroconf networking by default, please test
David Prieto
- should aptoncd be included in the CD?
Rafael Proença
- should aptoncd be included in the CD?
Rafael Proença
- How do I know if a package is supported from python-apt
Noam Raphael
- Concerns
Mark Reitblatt
- Information about /etc/host.conf
Scott James Remnant
- requirements for sync requests (changelogs)
Scott James Remnant
- Outstanding Merges
Scott James Remnant
- [archive at Accepted debian-installer 20061102ubuntu6 (source)]
Collins Richey
- Non-free drivers (Re: Invitation to ubuntu developers)
Pavel Rojtberg
- Ubuntu under investigation by Turkish attorney general
Erdal Ronahi
- Ubuntu under investigation by Turkish attorney general
Erdal Ronahi
- Can we use new gtk+ libraries over old distro?
Karoliina Salminen
- New feature: zeroconf networking by default, please test
Martin Schmeißer
- Non-free drivers (Re: Invitation to ubuntu developers)
Tim Schmidt
- Harddisk Encryption
Jeremy Schoenhaar
- Merry Xmas
Jeremy Schoenhaar
- m17n-lib deb required
Aniruddha Shankar
- howto add a new vcs to /dev/
Paul Sladen
- Windows gods etc
Toby Smithe
- Main Inclusion Request: xjump
Cody Somerville
- xrdp
Jay Sorg
- Patch to make mount follow a symlink at /etc/mtab
Jason Straight
- When the user fills up the hard drive
Phillip Susi
- When the user fills up the hard drive
Phillip Susi
- Windows gods etc
Phillip Susi
- New feature: mount local file systems in Gnome, please test
Phillip Susi
- The changing nature of bug reports
Matthew Paul Thomas
- Edgy Daily Build (20061130)
Vincent Trouilliez
- query on contributing
Pradeep Varadarajan
- When the user fills up the hard drive
Chris Wagner
- LTSP - A huge thank-you!
Matthew Walster
- Suspend2 isn't invasive.
Travis Watkins
- [archive at Accepted debian-installer 20061102ubuntu6 (source)]
Travis Watkins
- Edgy Daily Build (20061130)
Colin Watson
- Edgy Daily Build (20061130)
Colin Watson
- Edgy Daily Build (20061130)
Colin Watson
- Call for installer developers
Colin Watson
- Maintainer fields for main/restricted
Colin Watson
- [archive at Accepted debian-installer 20061102ubuntu6 (source)]
Colin Watson
- howto add a new vcs to /dev/
Colin Watson
- Maintainer fields for main/restricted
Colin Watson
- [archive at Accepted debian-installer 20061102ubuntu6 (source)]
Colin Watson
- Prototype of new Ubiquity advanced partitioner
Colin Watson
- Information about /etc/host.conf
- Information about /etc/host.conf
- Information about /etc/host.conf
- Concerns
Andrew Zajac
- Non-free drivers (Re: Invitation to ubuntu developers)
Matt Zimmerman
- When the user fills up the hard drive
Matt Zimmerman
- Consistency checks of the package repository
Matt Zimmerman
- patch for Broadcom Corporation BCM4318 wireless cards.
Matt Zimmerman
- Can we use new gtk+ libraries over old distro?
Matt Zimmerman
- New mailing list: ubuntu-devel-discuss
Matt Zimmerman
- requirements for sync requests (changelogs)
Matt Zimmerman
- xserver-xorg dependencies
Matt Zimmerman
- Maintainer fields for main/restricted
Matt Zimmerman
- Accepted update-notifier 0.50 (source)
Matt Zimmerman
- Concerns
Matt Zimmerman
- Concerns
Matt Zimmerman
- Concerns
Matt Zimmerman
- Offtopic [embedded widgets]
- Outstanding Merges
Barry deFreese
- When the user fills up the hard drive
Ahm ed
- howto add a new vcs to /dev/
- howto add a new vcs to /dev/
- query on contributing
pradeep singh
- When the user fills up the hard drive
t u
- Could we have a 'recent folders' in the Places menu?
tom at
Last message date:
Sat Dec 30 21:09:52 GMT 2006
Archived on: Wed Jan 10 14:33:09 GMT 2007
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Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).