
Evan Hazlett ejhazlett at
Sat Dec 9 17:48:44 GMT 2006

greetings all...

i am evan hazlett, and the creator of a project called "Reconstructor".  I
have had growing concerns with some unintentional effects it has caused.  I
will briefly describe what it does.  Reconstructor allows the customization
(usplash, gnome, software, etc.) of the Ubuntu Live CD.  I originally
created it because I had a standard set of software and settings that I
didn't like to reconfigure for every machine when I reinstalled Ubuntu.  The
concerns I have is there are some people that are using it to create their
own distros (although most are no more than ubuntu with some extra software
and artwork) and are offering them for download.

I wanted to get the thoughts from the ubuntu developers on this.  I'm sure
some of you have heard of Reconstructor and probably even seen some of the
projects i mentioned.  I do NOT want to take away from the ubuntu community
in any way, shape, or form, and i feel my project could cause some problems
if not used as suggested (personal customization).


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