When the user fills up the hard drive

Oliver Brakmann obrakmann at gmx.net
Mon Dec 4 15:59:02 GMT 2006

Hi list,

On Mon, 2006-12-04 14:40, Sean Hammond wrote...
> What do you mean 'single user mode'?

Single user mode is what you get when you choose the "Recovery mode"
option in the boot manager.

> Does the initial ubuntu user count as a 'superuser'?

No.  'root' is the superuser.

> The fact is, this user cannot login when the disk if full on Ubuntu.
> GNOME fails to load and they get dumped back to GDM. This will happen
> to non-expert users. The only way to login is to switch to a text-only
> virtual terminal.

> I think we need to do something to ensure that GNOME login is always
> possible.

Probably the easiest way is for Ubuntu to mount a tmpfs on /tmp by
default.  This way, login should always be possible after a reboot.

The downside is that, on low-end machines with little memory, some
operations involving big files, e.g. unpacking a big archive, could

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