Can we use new gtk+ libraries over old distro?

Karoliina Salminen karoliina.t.salminen at
Tue Dec 5 09:47:47 GMT 2006


On 12/5/06, Joel Bryan Juliano <joelbryan.juliano at> wrote:
> Hi,
> As a Dapper user, Is it possible to install the newest gtk+ libraries
> that is available on Edgy and Feisty, most notably Cairo, and Pango.

Why don't you dist-upgrade to Edgy? Why would you want to use older
version than Edgy (current stable version)? I assume you know how to
do it, but in the case you don't here is what you can do:
Backup your stuff for surviving the worst case scenario that the system breaks.
Start terminal.
sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list
Change all words "dapper" to "edgy"
save and exit the editor
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get dist-upgrade

Best Wishes,

P.S. I am running always up to date Feisty and using it as my primary
work machine ;)
But I do that because I can fix it most of the time if it breaks. I
would officially recommend using Edgy now.

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