Can we use new gtk+ libraries over old distro?

Zak B. Elep zakame at
Tue Dec 5 06:15:31 GMT 2006

On 12/5/06, Joel Bryan Juliano <joelbryan.juliano at> wrote:
> As a Dapper user, Is it possible to install the newest gtk+ libraries
> that is available on Edgy and Feisty, most notably Cairo, and Pango.
> The reason is if there's speed & memory benefits of using the new
> libraries, or will it crash.

Yes, it is possible, although I doubt if it would be of any real
benefit.  You can use either APT pinning, or you can backport the gtk+
libraries yourself (if there aren't any backports of it already.)

Or you could dist-upgrade altogether, and ease yourself (only little,
if you plan to use the cutting edge) of the pain of a broken gtk+ :P



Zak B. Elep  ||
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