Suspend2 isn't invasive.

Tollef Fog Heen tfheen at
Sat Dec 2 18:00:26 GMT 2006

* Nigel Cunningham 

| On Fri, 2006-12-01 at 08:45 -0600, Travis Watkins wrote:
| > On 12/1/06, Hervé Fache <Herve at> wrote:
| > > As I said before on this list, one cannot judge suspend2 vs swsusp
| > > until they try both, and I did. I started up with a biased stance
| > > towards sticking to Linus' tree, but once you've tasted suspend2 it's
| > > hard to go back to black screens and no info.
| > 
| > uswsusp can apparently give you the same thing here.
| uswsusp promises to give most of the same things, but much of it is
| still just promises.

I just coded usplash integration (again) for uswsusp, so the progress
bit is covered.  It already has image compression and encrypted
images.  It supports suspending to files, it supports aborting a
suspend which has started.  It does not support arbitrary plugins, but
the code is simple enough that adding any hooks which are missing
seems easy enough.

So, I'd say it's on feature-parity with suspend2.

| One thing that has occurred to me is that Suspend2 generally frees far
| less memory / writes a bigger image. This will allow it to work in
| situations where swsusp/uswsusp can't free enough memory to be able to
| meet their constraints for suspending. It would also account for some
| users with one model of computer being able to suspend while others with
| the same model can't (different usage patterns).

There's nothing inherent in uswsusp's design which makes it have to
try to free lots of memory.  At least, nothing I could immediately

Tollef Fog Heen                                                        ,''`.
UNIX is user friendly, it's just picky about who its friends are      : :' :
                                                                      `. `' 

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