November 2009 Archives by author
Starting: Sun Nov 1 11:40:20 GMT 2009
Ending: Mon Nov 30 23:35:09 GMT 2009
Messages: 182
- No subject
- No subject
- No subject
- Lucid auto-syncing with Debian testing
Michael Bienia
- Lucid auto-syncing with Debian testing
Michael Bienia
- Lucid auto-syncing with Debian testing
Michael Bienia
- Server Team 20091111 meeting minutes
Thierry Carrez
- Karmic UEC bugs targeted for a SRU should use karmic nomination (was uec tag)
Thierry Carrez
- Changes to Open Week Schedule
Jorge O. Castro
- UDS Attendees, please register with Launchpad
Jorge O. Castro
- UDS Attendees, please fill out the survey.
Jorge O. Castro
- Lucid auto-syncing with Debian testing
Daniel Chen
- Bringing Mercurial (hg) into main
Daniel Chen
- Bringing Mercurial (hg) into main
Daniel Chen
- [Fwd: [FOSDEM] News : Call For Developer Rooms]
Jan Claeys
- Lucid auto-syncing with Debian testing
Robert Collins
- Merging with Bazaar
Robert Collins
- Merging with Bazaar
Robert Collins
- ARM rebuild
Kees Cook
- Lucid auto-syncing with Debian testing
John Dong
- New Contributing Developer: David Henningsson (diwic)
Benjamin Drung
- Support for linux server
Ngo Hoang Minh Duc
- Support for linux server
Ngo Hoang Minh Duc
- [ubuntu-x] (Update) Re: -nvidia upgrade issues
Justin Dugger
- Lucid Release Schedule
Matthew East
- Lucid Release Schedule
Matthew East
- signable 1.1 code of conduct?
Michael Gilbert
- ARM rebuild
Oliver Grawert
- ARM rebuild
Oliver Grawert
- Karmic UEC bugs targeted for a SRU should use the uec tag
Mathias Gug
- Karmic UEC bugs targeted for a SRU should use the uec tag
Mathias Gug
- Server Team 20091104 meeting minutes
Mathias Gug
- Karmic UEC bugs targeted for a SRU should use karmic nomination (was uec tag)
Mathias Gug
- Server Team 20091125 meeting minutes
Mathias Gug
- Lucid auto-syncing with Debian testing
Bryce Harrington
- Lucid auto-syncing with Debian testing
Bryce Harrington
- -nvidia upgrade issues
Bryce Harrington
- [ubuntu-x] -nvidia upgrade issues
Bryce Harrington
- -nvidia upgrade issues
Bryce Harrington
- -nvidia upgrade issues
Bryce Harrington
- -nvidia upgrade issues
Bryce Harrington
- -nvidia upgrade issues
Bryce Harrington
- -nvidia upgrade issues
Bryce Harrington
- (Update) Re: -nvidia upgrade issues
Bryce Harrington
- (Update) Re: -nvidia upgrade issues
Bryce Harrington
- [ubuntu-x] (Update) Re: -nvidia upgrade issues
Bryce Harrington
- [ubuntu-x] -nvidia upgrade issues
Bryce Harrington
- Virtual Appliances Proof-Of-Concept
Andreas Heck
- Virtual Appliances Proof-Of-Concept
Andreas Heck
- -nvidia upgrade issues
Raphael Hertzog
- Future of MOTU discussion at UDS
Daniel Holbach
- New MOTU: Mackenzie Morgan (maco)
Daniel Holbach
- New Contributing Developer: David Henningsson (diwic)
Daniel Holbach
- New MOTU: Evan Broder (ebroder / broder)
Daniel Holbach
- Lucid auto-syncing with Debian testing
Dustin Kirkland
- Virtual Appliances Proof-Of-Concept
Dustin Kirkland
- Karmic UEC bugs targeted for a SRU should use the uec tag
Dustin Kirkland
- Promoting Lucid Testing using KVM
Dustin Kirkland
- Lucid auto-syncing with Debian testing
Scott Kitterman
- Lucid auto-syncing with Debian testing
Scott Kitterman
- Lucid auto-syncing with Debian testing
Scott Kitterman
- Lucid auto-syncing with Debian testing
Scott Kitterman
- [ubuntu-x] (Update) Re: -nvidia upgrade issues
Scott Kitterman
- Future of MOTU discussion at UDS
Scott Kitterman
- ubuntu-desktop team members can now upload
Scott Kitterman
- New Kubuntu Developer (kubuntu-dev): Jonathan Thomas (JontheEchidna)
Scott Kitterman
- Lucid auto-syncing with Debian testing
Morten Kjeldgaard
- Merging with Bazaar
Morten Kjeldgaard
- Lucid auto-syncing with Debian testing
Matthias Klose
- ARM rebuild
Matthias Klose
- Bringing Mercurial (hg) into main
Alexander Konovalenko
- Bringing Mercurial (hg) into main
Alexander Konovalenko
- New MOTU: Mackenzie Morgan (maco)
Steve Kowalik
- Regarding linux 2.6.27 porting on imx27 platform - hanging at Freeing init memory
Amit Kucheria
- -nvidia upgrade issues
Amit Kucheria
- Promoting Lucid Testing using KVM
Przemek Kulczycki
- Lucid auto-syncing with Debian testing
Steve Langasek
- Lucid auto-syncing with Debian testing
Steve Langasek
- sysctl errors from bad /etc/sysctl.d conf files making packages uninstallable
Steve Langasek
- Lucid auto-syncing with Debian testing
Steve Langasek
- -nvidia upgrade issues
Steve Langasek
- -nvidia upgrade issues
Steve Langasek
- -nvidia upgrade issues
Steve Langasek
- -nvidia upgrade issues
Steve Langasek
- Merging with Bazaar
Steve Langasek
- Merging with Bazaar
Steve Langasek
- ARM rebuild
Steve Langasek
- -nvidia upgrade issues
Mario Limonciello
- -nvidia upgrade issues
Mario Limonciello
- -nvidia upgrade issues
Mario Limonciello
- -nvidia upgrade issues
Mario Limonciello
- [ubuntu-x] (Update) Re: -nvidia upgrade issues
Mario Limonciello
- [ubuntu-x] (Update) Re: -nvidia upgrade issues
Mario Limonciello
- ubuntu-desktop team members can now upload
Mario Limonciello
- Terminal
Kev Ludlam
- Lucid auto-syncing with Debian testing
Jordan Mantha
- Merging with Bazaar
Jordan Mantha
- [ubuntu-x] (Update) Re: -nvidia upgrade issues
Alberto Milone
- Lucid auto-syncing with Debian testing
Mackenzie Morgan
- Terminal
Mackenzie Morgan
- gthumb vs fspot
Dave Morley
- [ubuntu/lucid] linux-meta (Accepted)
Martin Pitt
- -nvidia upgrade issues
Martin Pitt
- Merging with Bazaar
Martin Pitt
- Patch Tagging Guidelines (aka DEP3) -- Adopting in Ubuntu?
Martin Pitt
- [ubuntu-x] (Update) Re: -nvidia upgrade issues
Martin Pitt
- Promoting Lucid Testing using KVM
Martin Pitt
- Promoting Lucid Testing using KVM
Martin Pitt
- Strange remove of mysql-common
Martin Pitt
- New developer upload privileges: Marc Deslauriers, Travis Watkins, Charlie Smotherman
Martin Pitt
- ARM rebuild
Martin Pitt
- ubuntu-desktop team members can now upload
Martin Pitt
- Lucid auto-syncing with Debian testing
Scott James Remnant
- Merging with Bazaar
Scott James Remnant
- -nvidia upgrade issues
Scott James Remnant
- Merging with Bazaar
Scott James Remnant
- Virtual Appliances Proof-Of-Concept
Carlos Ribeiro
- sysctl errors from bad /etc/sysctl.d conf files making packages uninstallable
Scott Ritchie
- sysctl errors from bad /etc/sysctl.d conf files making packages uninstallable
Scott Ritchie
- Translations for the ptPT locale
Henrique Rocha
- Merging with Bazaar
Mike Rooney
- (Update) Re: -nvidia upgrade issues
Mike Rooney
- Translations for the ptPT locale
Mike Rooney
- new here! glad to join the ubuntu developer's mail list
Irving Ruan
- Lucid Release Schedule
Andrew SB
- Proposing an update to the PackagingGuide
Andrew SB
- Mentoring program / fixing WiFi bugs
Alexander Sack
- ARM rebuild
Alexander Sack
- ARM rebuild
Alexander Sack
- Merging with Bazaar
Nicolas Valcárcel Scerpella
- Future of MOTU discussion at UDS
Nicolas Valcárcel Scerpella
- DHL Tracking Number 3YMH6JJY
DHL Service
- Congratulations
Media Service
- UPS Delivery Problem
UPS Service
- Promoting Lucid Testing using KVM
Rick Spencer
- Promoting Lucid Testing using KVM
Rick Spencer
- [ubuntu-x] (Update) Re: -nvidia upgrade issues
Wouter Stomp
- TurnKey Linux's take on Ubuntu appliance development: KISS
Alon Swartz
- Merging with Bazaar
Reinhard Tartler
- Merging with Bazaar
Reinhard Tartler
- apport integration into postinst scripts
Reinhard Tartler
- apport integration into postinst scripts
Reinhard Tartler
- apport integration into postinst scripts
Reinhard Tartler
- Proposing an update to the PackagingGuide
Mathieu Trudel-Lapierre
- Proposing an update to the PackagingGuide
Mathieu Trudel-Lapierre
- Merging with Bazaar
Michael Vogt
- -nvidia upgrade issues
Michael Vogt
- ubuntu-desktop team members can now upload
Colin Watson
- ubuntu-desktop team members can now upload
Colin Watson
- ARM rebuild
Colin Watson
- Merging with Bazaar
James Westby
- Merging with Bazaar
James Westby
- Merging with Bazaar
James Westby
- Merging with Bazaar
James Westby
- Merging with Bazaar
James Westby
- Merging with Bazaar
James Westby
- Merging with Bazaar
James Westby
- Merging with Bazaar
James Westby
- Proposing an update to the PackagingGuide
James Westby
- [ubuntu/lucid] linux-meta (Accepted)
Andy Whitcroft
- Lucid auto-syncing with Debian testing
Robbie Williamson
- Lucid Release Schedule
Robbie Williamson
- Lucid Release Schedule
Robbie Williamson
- Lucid Release Schedule
Robbie Williamson
- Lucid auto-syncing with Debian testing
Robbie Williamson
- Security Team Weekly Summary 2009-11-2 & 2009-11-9
Robbie Williamson
- Mentoring program / fixing WiFi bugs
Andrew Wood
- ARM rebuild
Jerone Young
- Promoting Lucid Testing using KVM
Matt Zimmerman
- ARM rebuild
Matt Zimmerman
- apport integration into postinst scripts
Matt Zimmerman
- apport integration into postinst scripts
Matt Zimmerman
- ARM rebuild
Matt Zimmerman
- ARM rebuild
Matt Zimmerman
- ARM rebuild
Matt Zimmerman
- ARM rebuild
Matt Zimmerman
- apport integration into postinst scripts
Matt Zimmerman
- Strange remove of mysql-common
Cibbao a
- get back to my office for more details
- Translations for the ptPT locale
C de-Avillez
- new here! glad to join the ubuntu developer's mail list
fang liang
- Соберeм для Вас пo ceти интеpнeт бaзу дaнных пoтенциальныx клиентов для Baшeгo Бизнecа (всe kонтаkтныe дaнныe - pод деятeльнocти, нaзвaние, aдрeс, имeнa, телефoны, факсы, e-mail, www итд) Тoчнo! Мнoго! Быcтpo! Cбор дaнныx пo гoродy и облаcти 4000 pyб Cбоp дaнных по cтpaне 6000 pуб Bы можете yзнать подpoбнеe пo тeлeфoну: +79133913837 Email: prodawez at ICQ: 62-888-62 Skype: basedannix
ubuntu-devel at
Last message date:
Mon Nov 30 23:35:09 GMT 2009
Archived on: Fri Dec 4 07:40:42 GMT 2009
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).