ARM rebuild

Oliver Grawert ogra at
Wed Nov 25 11:48:44 GMT 2009

Am Mittwoch, den 25.11.2009, 11:08 +0000 schrieb Matt Zimmerman:
> Instead, I'm proposing:
>  * Rebuild the packages in the archive
> Isn't that much simpler and more effective?
it definately is simpler, but with the amount of buildds we have it will
put us out of work for quite some time. we are lacking build hardware
for it to fulfill the effective part and still do our work ...

we decided to do a test rebuild of all the libs in main for which tobin
davis will establish an additional automatic LSB ABI test on the build
machines, so we see ABI breakage induced by the toolchain switches (this
will give us an overview of all the libs).
Then, once DIF is in place we will generate a combined list of all
packages in main modulo the ones on the images (which are definately
getting uploads/rebuilds anyway) and the packages already pulled from
debian before DIF, so we get a list of the remaining packages that
havent been touched yet and will upload these manually.

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