Server Team 20091125 meeting minutes

Mathias Gug mathiaz at
Thu Nov 26 03:44:47 GMT 2009


Here are the minutes of the meeting. They can also be found online with        
the irc logs here:        

==== Review ACTION from previous meeting ====

ACTION: ttx to review status of bugs  455625, 460085 and 461156 for any
missing info
ACTION: mathiaz to compile a list of easy merges for publication

==== Check blueprint status and progress for the week (mdz) ====

mdz reminded that the list of blueprints [1] is used to track plans for Lucid.
The focus is now on drafting the specifications after last week discussions at
UDS. Work items [2] should also be added to the blueprint whiteboard so that a
burn down chart can be generated during the cycle. Once the wiki page is
written and the work items have been defined the status of the blueprint
should be set to Review.

All of the blueprints should be ready for review first thing Monday morning.


==== Assigned and to-be-assigned bugs:
assigned/canonical-server-assigned-bug-tasks.html (mdz) ====

Nothing was assigned to the team. Most of the bugs seemed to be SRU-related.

==== Work items tracking (mdz) ====

mathiaz asked how to handle work items that can't be defined up-front as they
depends on completion of existing work items. mdz suggested to create work
items for each of the proposed changes. If some of them can be skipped, it's
easy to skip them later, but we don't want to forget any. The most important
thing is that the list is at approximately the right level of granularity, so
that we make steady progress through the list. Work items need to fit into a
1-2 day chunk of work.

==== Weekly SRU review (mathiaz) ====

Only the hardy nomination list had one bug to be reviewed. The last two weeks
of fixed bugs have also been reviewed for potential SRUs.

==== Spamassassin update ====

ScottK asked about the status of Spamassassin in Lucid. mathiaz replied that
Daviey had been investigating the situation with upstream. He also suggested
to define work items in the associated blueprint even if the drafter doesn't
plan to do the work. Documenting what needs to be done may help in getting
things moved forward by other people.

==== Agree on next meeting date and time ====

kirkland to discuss a new time slot with maria.

Next meeting will be on Wednesday, December 2nd at 14:00 UTC in #ubuntu-

Mathias Gug
Ubuntu Developer
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