September 2008 Archives by author
Starting: Mon Sep 1 05:34:54 BST 2008
Ending: Tue Sep 30 17:52:43 BST 2008
Messages: 166
- Stepping up as REVU Coordinator
Siegfried Gevatter (RainCT)
- Possible Idea for New MOTU Contributors
Null Ack
- Hugin
Stefan Agner
- duplicate files conflicts between soundkonverter and pacpl packages
- New package for rocrail - upstream source tarball has strange directory structure
Koen Beek
- New package for rocrail - upstream source tarball has strange directory structure
Koen Beek
- virtualbox-ose-modules-2.6.24-21-generic ?
Koen Beek
- Proposal for motu-release charter
Michael Bienia
- Completing the libtool transition
Michael Casadevall
- Quick Introduction
- Python App
- pbuilder question
- pbuilder question
- [Motu-mentoring-reception] Change in the MOTU reception
- motu-release will revert libgems-ruby to the old state.
Kees Cook
- Sponsorship for removal requests?
Adrien Cunin
- Minutes of motu-release meeting, Friday 29th August, 11.00 UTC.
Luca Falavigna
- django 1.0
Luca Falavigna
- Completing the libtool transition
Luca Falavigna
- Completing the libtool transition
Luca Falavigna
- motu-sru needs you
Luca Falavigna
- Please add Luca Falavigna as a member of motu-release
Devid Antonio Filoni
- motu-sru needs you
Devid Antonio Filoni
- motu-sru needs you
Devid Antonio Filoni
- Package: stella (2.2-1)
Caroline Ford
- James Westby (james_w) is a MOTU
Caroline Ford
- Please exercise more care (testing packages both build and install)
Pedro Fragoso
- Devid Antonio Filoni (devfil) now is a MOTU
Emanuele Gentili
- Fwd: duplicate files conflicts between soundkonverter and pacpl packages
Cristian Greco
- motu-release will revert libgems-ruby to the old state.
Mathias Gug
- motu-release will revert libgems-ruby to the old state.
Mathias Gug
- motu-release will revert libgems-ruby to the old state.
Mathias Gug
- Gem installation in Ubuntu/Debian (Was: motu-release will revert libgems-ruby to the old state)
Mathias Gug
- motu-release will revert libgems-ruby to the old state.
Mathias Gug
- motu-release will revert libgems-ruby to the old state.
Mathias Gug
- django 1.0
Maxime Haineault
- Change in the MOTU reception
Nathan Handler
- motu-release will revert libgems-ruby to the old state.
Soren Hansen
- Proposal for motu-release charter
Soren Hansen
- make ubuntu-dev a member of various packaging teams
Soren Hansen
- motu-release will revert libgems-ruby to the old state.
Stephan Hermann
- Freeze exception for 'fai'
Stephan Hermann
- motu-release will revert libgems-ruby to the old state.
Stephan Hermann
- motu-release will revert libgems-ruby to the old state.
Emmet Hikory
- Please add Luca Falavigna as a member of motu-release
Emmet Hikory
- Proposal for motu-release charter
Emmet Hikory
- Minutes of motu-release meeting, Friday 29th August, 11.00 UTC.
Emmet Hikory
- Call for help with ubottu and #ubuntu-meeting scheduling
Emmet Hikory
- OS Survey
Sarah Hobbs
- Please exercise more care (testing packages both build and install)
Sarah Hobbs
- how to submit a atftp server patch
Daniel Holbach
- Quick Introduction
Daniel Holbach
- Devid Antonio Filoni (devfil) now is a MOTU
Daniel Holbach
- Thierry Carrez (Koon) is Universe Contributor
Daniel Holbach
- Iulian Udrea (iulian) is a Universe Contributor
Daniel Holbach
- Fabien Tassin (fta) is a MOTU
Daniel Holbach
- Michael Casadevall (NCommander) is a Universe Contributor
Daniel Holbach
- James Westby (james_w) is a MOTU
Daniel Holbach
- James Westby (james_w) is a MOTU
Daniel Holbach
- how to submit a atftp server patch
Christopher Houdeshell
- Delegate/Project package lists (Was: Minutes of motu-release meeting, Friday 29th August, 11.00 UTC.)
Cory K.
- Delegate/Project package lists
Cory K.
- llvm-cfe, broken package?
August Karlstrom
- motu-release will revert libgems-ruby to the old state.
Dustin Kirkland
- motu-release will revert libgems-ruby to the old state.
Scott Kitterman
- Minutes of motu-release meeting, Friday 29th August, 11.00 UTC.
Scott Kitterman
- Minutes of motu-release meeting, Friday 29th August, 11.00 UTC.
Scott Kitterman
- Standing Freeze exception for emacs-snapshot
Scott Kitterman
- Proposal for motu-release charter
Scott Kitterman
- Minutes of motu-release meeting, Friday 29th August, 11.00 UTC.
Scott Kitterman
- motu-release will revert libgems-ruby to the old state.
Scott Kitterman
- django 1.0
Scott Kitterman
- MOTU Decision Making Process
Scott Kitterman
- On accepting new policies (was: Key Team Election Policy)
Scott Kitterman
- Remove apt-listbugs?
Scott Kitterman
- VAC: 19 - 28 Sept
Scott Kitterman
- Sponsorship for removal requests?
Scott Kitterman
- make ubuntu-dev a member of various packaging teams
Scott Kitterman
- Outdated New Upstream Review proposal on the wiki
Morten Kjeldgaard
- Quick Introduction
Luke L
- motu-release will revert libgems-ruby to the old state.
Steve Langasek
- motu-release will revert libgems-ruby to the old state.
Steve Langasek
- A Bug in Octave-OdePkg
Wang Long
- make ubuntu-dev a member of various packaging teams
Jordan Mantha
- duplicate files conflicts between soundkonverter and pacpl packages
Chad Martin
- motu-release will revert libgems-ruby to the old state.
Loïc Minier
- motu-release will revert libgems-ruby to the old state.
Loïc Minier
- motu-release will revert libgems-ruby to the old state.
Loïc Minier
- motu-release will revert libgems-ruby to the old state.
Loïc Minier
- motu-release will revert libgems-ruby to the old state.
Loïc Minier
- Minutes of motu-release meeting, Friday 29th August, 11.00 UTC.
Emilio Pozuelo Monfort
- Minutes of motu-release meeting, Friday 29th August, 11.00 UTC.
Emilio Pozuelo Monfort
- xmonad seems to require dev package
Emilio Pozuelo Monfort
- Devid Antonio Filoni (devfil) now is a MOTU
Emilio Pozuelo Monfort
- Python App
Emilio Pozuelo Monfort
- MOTU Decision Making Process
Emilio Pozuelo Monfort
- The Key Team Policy is now offical
Emilio Pozuelo Monfort
- On accepting new policies (was: Key Team Election Policy)
Emilio Pozuelo Monfort
- Proposed Features for Launchpad Bugs 3.0 - call for help!
Emilio Pozuelo Monfort
- New upstream releases freeze exception (was: Re: Minutes of motu-release meeting, Friday 29th August, 11.00 UTC.)
Emilio Pozuelo Monfort
- Please update pidgin-musictracker
Emilio Pozuelo Monfort
- Sponsorship for removal requests?
Emilio Pozuelo Monfort
- Please exercise more care (testing packages both build and install)
Emilio Pozuelo Monfort
- tinyerp-client and tinyerp-server
Eric Morey
- motu-release will revert libgems-ruby to the old state.
Lucas Nussbaum
- motu-release will revert libgems-ruby to the old state.
Lucas Nussbaum
- Please update pidgin-musictracker
Frederique W. Piccart
- deborphan bug
Flavio Pompermaier
- django 1.0
Lionel Porcheron
- motu-release will revert libgems-ruby to the old state.
Stefan Potyra
- motu-release will revert libgems-ruby to the old state.
Stefan Potyra
- Minutes of motu-release meeting, Friday 29th August, 11.00 UTC.
Stefan Potyra
- Minutes of motu-release meeting, Friday 29th August, 11.00 UTC.
Stefan Potyra
- Standing Freeze exception for emacs-snapshot
Stefan Potyra
- Freeze exception for 'fai'
Stefan Potyra
- synaptic package-- xppaut
Ian Price
- OS Survey
OS Project
- Proposed Features for Launchpad Bugs 3.0 - call for help!
Christian Robottom Reis
- [Motu-mentoring-reception] Change in the MOTU reception
Christophe Sauthier
- virtualbox-ose-modules-2.6.24-21-generic ?
Joachim Schrader
- problems
Tomasz Sekula
- Package: stella (2.2-1)
Alan Shaw
- problems
Onkar Shinde
- Universe Contributors Application for Thierry Carrez (Koon)
Chuck Short
- make ubuntu-dev a member of various packaging teams
- kdesu for kde4
Harald Sitter
- motu-sru needs you
Cody A.W. Somerville
- xmonad seems to require dev package
Helge Stenström
- amanda for ubuntu hardy-heron
Reymond M. Tacadena
- Standing Freeze exception for emacs-snapshot
Reinhard Tartler
- Freeze exception for 'fai'
Reinhard Tartler
- Freeze exception for 'fai'
Reinhard Tartler
- Standing Freeze exception for emacs-snapshot
Reinhard Tartler
- make ubuntu-dev a member of various packaging teams
Reinhard Tartler
- make ubuntu-dev a member of various packaging teams
Reinhard Tartler
- Request for updating libnet-sip-perl and libio-socket-ssl-perl
Reinhard Tartler
- Gem installation in Ubuntu/Debian (Was: motu-release will revert libgems-ruby to the old state)
Cesare Tirabassi
- Minutes of motu-release meeting, Friday 29th August, 11.00 UTC.
Cesare Tirabassi
- Standing Freeze exception for emacs-snapshot
Cesare Tirabassi
- Please add Luca Falavigna as a member of motu-release
Cesare Tirabassi
- Freeze exception for 'fai'
Cesare Tirabassi
- Freeze exception for 'fai'
Cesare Tirabassi
- kdesu for kde4
Cesare Tirabassi
- pbuilder question
Cesare Tirabassi
- Change in the MOTU reception
Cesare Tirabassi
- PackagesToPort
Cesare Tirabassi
- PackagesToPort
Cesare Tirabassi
- octave 3.0.x in Gutsy package?
Levente Torok
- [BUG: libvtk5-qt4; Hardy Heron] 24: error: QVTKWidget.h: No such file or directory
Murat Uenalan
- Request for updating libnet-sip-perl and libio-socket-ssl-perl
Steffen Ullrich
- tinyerp-client and tinyerp-server
Nicolas Valcárcel
- James Westby (james_w) is a MOTU
Nicolas Valcárcel
- how to submit a atftp server patch
Nick Weedon
- Remove apt-listbugs?
James Westby
- Sponsorship for removal requests?
James Westby
- Sponsorship for removal requests?
James Westby
- Remove apt-listbugs?
James Westby
- PackagesToPort
James Westby
- New package for rocrail - upstream source tarball has strange directory structure
Lars Wirzenius
- KQ
daniel briam
- lxlauncher
luca giuliani
- problems
venkata krishna
- xsensors 0.60 - coretemp sensor support
- Package review request tt
Willem.Toorop at
- deborphan bug
Adna rim
- rezound bug #1558155
Last message date:
Tue Sep 30 17:52:43 BST 2008
Archived on: Wed Oct 1 05:37:59 BST 2008
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Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).