James Westby (james_w) is a MOTU

Nicolas Valcárcel nicolas.valcarcel at canonical.com
Mon Sep 29 05:42:33 BST 2008

Congratulations dood! And welcome to the team!!

On Mon, 2008-09-29 at 05:34 +0200, Daniel Holbach wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Daniel Holbach schrieb:
> > I'm very pleased to announce that James Westby just became MOTU. Some of
> > you might know him from his work in the bzr project, some for his great
> > work on coordinating MOTU School, some for the fixes he worked on and
> > others might just know him as the helpful guy who gave you the right answer.
> > 
> > Please give him a warm welcome to the team. ROCK ON, James!
> Oops, just subscribed the wrong James. :-)
> Have a nice day,
>  Daniel
> - --
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Nicolas Valcárcel
Security Engineer
Custom Engineering Solutions Group
Canonical OEM Services
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