New package for rocrail - upstream source tarball has strange directory structure

Koen Beek koen.beek+ubuntu at
Sun Sep 7 18:41:13 BST 2008


 I have been working on getting bugfixes in debdiff files up to now
(sysinfo mainly) but would like to try to create a package from
upstream from scratch

 Bug 172329 ( was opened
to create a package for rocrail

 the source tarball can be downloaded from sourceforge here : wget

 The directory structure is causing me some headaches though

 it is /tmp/rocrail-1.0.1/Rocrail/...
 I would have expected rocrail-1.0.0/...

 can someone guide me to what is the best way to handle this upstream
tarball concerning this directory structure
 - should I ask upstream to correct the tarball
 - should I change the tarball myself
 - should I change the structure and put all these changes in the
diff.gz fill (Is there a way to not make this .diff file huge)
 - ...



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