The Key Team Policy is now offical

Emilio Pozuelo Monfort pochu at
Sat Sep 6 19:32:24 BST 2008

Michael Casadevall wrote:
> As no one has voiced any concerns aside form a slight ambiguity that
> has been cleared up, I'm declaring that we have reached a consensus on
> the key team policy, and now can declare it an official MOTU policy.
> If there is something that is still unsatisfactory that has not been
> previously discussed, or any concerns, please feel free to post them
> to the list so they can be addressed.

As ScottK said, the following paragraph is unclear:

"""If the acceptance of a candidate would push the team oversize, a
multicandidate election is held, with a number of winners equal to the maximum
size of the team selected from the current members and any new applications.
This election may be delayed if there are multiple open applications at one time
until all of said applications are properly processed in accordance with the

Also, the following sentence shouldn't be needed as motu-{sru,release} are owned
by motu-council (and I think any other MOTU Key Team should):

"""Should the team administration be unable to add the user for whatever reason
(i.e, the admin is currently MIA, or the admin was the one who resigned),
responsibility for the promotion falls to the MOTU council. """

Other than that, I'm glad we have reached consensus!


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