Fwd: duplicate files conflicts between soundkonverter and pacpl packages

Cristian Greco cgreco at cs.unibo.it
Sun Sep 14 01:58:24 BST 2008

> On Fri, Sep 12, 2008 at 5:23 PM, Alejandro <linkstat at gmail.com> wrote:
> > The packages pacpl and soundkonverter can't be installed at the same time
> > because there are duplicated files between them. The duplicate files are:
> > > /usr/share/mimelnk/audio/x-ape.desktop
> > > /usr/share/mimelnk/audio/x-bonk.desktop
> > > /usr/share/mimelnk/audio/x-tta.desktop
> > > /usr/share/mimelnk/audio/x-wavpack.desktop

Hi all,

I'm the actual Debian Maintainer for pacpl (I've packaged it, but it
isn't still included into archive because I'm searching for a sponsor to
upload it).

The latest version of soundkonverter (0.3.8) comes with renamed mime
files (but this is since 0.3.7, AFAICS). First of all, to solve this
conflict, you should update soundkonverter in Ubuntu (which includes
version 0.3.6). In fact, there is no conflict actually in Debian:

$ apt-file list soundkonverter | grep /usr/share/mimelnk/audio/
soundkonverter: /usr/share/mimelnk/audio/amr.soundkonverter.desktop
soundkonverter: /usr/share/mimelnk/audio/x-ape.soundkonverter.desktop
soundkonverter: /usr/share/mimelnk/audio/x-bonk.soundkonverter.desktop
soundkonverter: /usr/share/mimelnk/audio/x-pac.soundkonverter.desktop
soundkonverter: /usr/share/mimelnk/audio/x-tta.soundkonverter.desktop
soundkonverter: /usr/share/mimelnk/audio/x-wavpack-correction.soundkonverter.desktop
soundkonverter: /usr/share/mimelnk/audio/x-wavpack.soundkonverter.desktop

So, this is not a problem for Debian, while this can be solved in Ubuntu
simply by updating the soundkonverter package.

BTW, it would be better for _both_ distros if Philip (pacpl author)
renamed mimefiles from pacpl in a way similar to soundkonverteri, just in
time for next version (4.0.4).

Please CC your reply because I'm not subscribed to this list.

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