motu-release will revert libgems-ruby to the old state.

Mathias Gug mathiaz at
Mon Sep 1 19:27:27 BST 2008

Hi Stefan,

On Mon, Sep 01, 2008 at 08:04:06PM +0200, Stefan Potyra wrote:
> On Monday 01 September 2008 18:21:53 Mathias Gug wrote:
> Oh, one thing that hasn't been discussed by motu-release is actually the 
> effect on the passenger package, as posted by the server team meeting minutes.
> In this regard, I'd like to bring your attention however to [1], without 
> further comments.
> [1]: <
> incoming/passenger-0808222010/passenger-2.0.3/debian/postinst>

While this file is there because it's in the upstream tarball, it isn't
used. The diff.gz file adds the file
debian/libapache2-mod-passenger.postinst [2].


Mathias Gug
Ubuntu Developer

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